A new collective volume titled "Beauty and Monstrosity in Art and Culture," by editors Angeliki Malakasioti, Assistant Professor of the Department of Audio and Visual and Image Arts at the Ionian University, and Chara Kokkiou, Visiting Assistant Professor at Tulane University, has been just published by Routledge (2024).
The book is part of the Routledge Research in Art History series.
Contributors to the book include:
Lucia Athanassaki, Vaios Vaiopoulos, Bice Peruzzi, Yiou Wang, Andrea Torrano, Knut Ove Arntzen, Mourad El Fahli, Alexandra Antonopoulou, ORLAN, Stelarc, Sandra Gonzαles Santos, Hideki Nakazawa & Mika Kusakari, David J. Gunkel, Ozan Avci, Sian Moxon, Richard Velkley, Yorgos Drosos, Michelle Zerba, and Chris Hables Gray
A few words about the book (from the back cover of the book):
This edited volume takes a new look at an old question: what is the relationship between beauty and monstrosity? How has the notion of beauty transformed through the years and how does it coincide with monstrous ontologies? Contributors offer an interdisciplinary approach to how these two concepts are interlinked and emphasize the ways the beautiful and the monstrous pervade human experience. The two notions are explored through the axis of human transformation, focusing on body, identity, and gender, while questioning both how humans transform their body and space as well as how humans themselves are gradually transformed in different contexts. The pandemic, gender crisis, moral crisis, sociocultural instability, and environmental issues have redefined beauty and the relationship we have with it. Exploring these concepts through the lens of human transformation can yield valuable insights into what it means to be human in a world of constant change. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, archaeology, philosophy, architecture, and cultural studies.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN 9781032355825
Edition: 1st, April 2024
262 Pages 5 Color & 15 B/W Illustrations
Book contents and more information: