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AVARTS: Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science 2018 in Mexico [11-13/11/18]
Posted: 05-11-2018 13:11 | Views: 6537
Start: 11-11-2018 |End: 13-11-2018
The final program of the Third Interdisciplinary Conference "Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science" has just been released. The conference is hosted by the Centro de Cultura Digital (CCD) on November 11th and by the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IIFs-UNAM) on November 12-13th.
Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2018, June, 1-2 2018, Corfu, Greece]
Posted: 07-02-2018 16:39 | Updated: 17-10-2018 14:07 | Views: 30928
Start: 01-06-2018 |End: 02-06-2018
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en  pdf.png  Conference DCAC 2018 Schedule v7.2
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The International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges was hold in Corfu (Greece) June 1st-2nd 2018, and was hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University). Keynote speaker: Maurice Benayoun. New full text submission deadline: October 15, 2018.
AVARTS: Call for papers and artwork presentations "Τaboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science 2018"
Posted: 21-02-2018 14:37 | Updated: 16-10-2018 16:36 | Views: 10808
Important Date: 12-05-2018
The third international interdisciplinary conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" will take place in 11-13 November 2018 in Mexico City, hosted by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and the Centro de Cultura Digital. Submissions are welcome from all art and research fields and cutting-edge technology in art research. Deadline for submitting abstracts and short CV: May 12th, 2018.
Eija-Liisa Ahtila was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts
Posted: 08-06-2018 10:50 | Views: 7844
Accomplished visual artist and filmmaker of Eija-Liisa Ahtila was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, in a ceremony that took place in the Ionian Academy on Tuesday, June 5th, 2018.
Department of Audio and Visual Arts: Honorary Degree Award Ceremony of Eija-Liisa Ahtila
Posted: 23-05-2018 15:22 | Updated: 04-06-2018 14:07 | Views: 7548
Important Date: 05-06-2018
The Honorary Degree Award Ceremony of Eija-Liisa Ahtila as an Honorary Doctorate of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts will take place Tuesday, 5th of June, 2018, in the Ionian Academy, at 12:00 o' clock.
12th Audiovisual Arts Festival: SOTTOVOCE - Concerts of electro-acoustic music [Ionian Parliament, 29-30/5,1-2/6/2018]
Posted: 31-05-2018 14:54 | Views: 5781
Start: 29-05-2018 |End: 02-06-2018
The two departments of the Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts, the Department of Audio and Visual Arts (AVARTS) and the Department of Music Studies (Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Lab, EPHMEE) of the Ionian University join once again forces in order to organize the 12th annual Audiovisual Arts Festival, held from May 28 το June 10, 2018, in Corfu. During the Festival, Sottovocce will take place on 29-30/5, 1-2/6/2018 at Ionian Vouli.
12ο Audiovisual Arts Festival [May 28th - June 10th, 2018, Corfu]
Posted: 06-03-2018 17:35 | Updated: 25-05-2018 18:02 | Views: 11243
Start: 29-05-2018 |End: 10-06-2018
For the 12th consecutive year the Audiovisual Arts Festival will take place in Corfu from Monday, May 28th to Sunday 10th June. The program is co-organized by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts and the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University, incorporating a wide variety of educational and artistic activities.
Opening of the exhibition "Genus" / Rob Kesseler [30.05.2018, 20:00]
Posted: 25-05-2018 12:12 | Views: 6804
Start: 30-05-2018 |End: 12-06-2018
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    Exhibition Press Release
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    Opening exhibition invitation
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We warmly invite you to the opening of the exhibition “Genus” with artwork by the British visual artist Rob Kesseler, on Wednesday, May 30th 2018, 20:00 (8:00 pm), at the Municipal Art Gallery of Corfu.
Exclusive premiere of the British-American film "Dominion" in the framework of the 12th Audiovisual Arts Festival
Posted: 09-05-2018 15:28 | Updated: 09-05-2018 20:14 | Views: 11818
Important Date: 12-05-2018
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Great premiere of the British-American film "Dominion" exclusively in the framework of the 12th Audiovisual Arts Festival of the Ionian University in Corfu, Ionian Academy, Saturday, May 12 at 21.00.
Exhibition of Advanced Drawing Workshop [Opening 15/5/2018, Corfu Art Gallery, Corfu, Greece]
Posted: 08-05-2018 15:38 | Views: 7201
Start: 15-05-2018 |End: 24-05-2018
You are invited at the opening of the advanced drawing workshop exhibition, of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University, that will take place at the Corfu Art Gallery, on Tuesday, 15th of May, 2018 at 20.00 pm. Exhibition duration: May, 15 - May, 24 2018. The exhibition is part of the 12th Audiovisual Arts Festival.
Ionian University welcomes acclaimed filmmaker Steven Bernstein on Corfu (3-5 May 2018)
Posted: 26-04-2018 11:27 | Updated: 02-05-2018 14:53 | Views: 12419
Start: 03-05-2018 |End: 05-05-2018
Steven Bernstein, acclaimed filmmaker and fervent supporter of the Greek audiovisual and film productions, is about to visit Ionian University (3-5 May 2018). His 3-day visit on Corfu, organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, includes an open seminar in the Assembly Hall of the Ionian Academy on Thurday May 5th, 2018 at 12 noon.
Department of Audio and Visual Arts: 13th Student Photography Exhibition [Opening 4/5/2018, Corfu, Greece]
Posted: 02-05-2018 13:10 | Views: 8272
Start: 04-05-2018 |End: 19-05-2018
The Laboratory of Photography of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts invites you at the opening of the 13th Student Photography Exhibition, Friday the 4th of May, 2018, at 20.00, in the Prison of the Old Fortress.
“Engaging Dido And Lady Elizabeth: Feminist Interventions In The Past And For The Future”
Posted: 26-04-2018 21:46 | Views: 6952
Important Date: 02-05-2018
The Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology and the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, with the support of the Fulbright Foundation in Greece, organize a lecture by Dr. Jennifer Germann, from the Department of Art History at Ithaca College, New York State, USA: “Engaging Dido And Lady Elizabeth: Feminist Interventions In The Past And For The Future”. The event will take place on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 - 7:00 pm. at I. Theotokis 72.
12th Audiovisual Arts Festival: Exhibition of Rob Kesseler "Genus"
Posted: 05-04-2018 13:35 | Views: 3892
Start: 30-05-2018 |End: 12-06-2018
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University, on the occasion of the 12th Audiovisual Arts Festival and in collaboration with the Municipal Art Gallery of Corfu, inaugurates the exhibition of the British visual artist Rob Kesseler on 30th of May 2018. [Images: © Rob Kesseler]
Department of Music Studies: 11th Sonic Arts Summer Academy & Festival [10-15 July 2018]
Posted: 03-04-2018 17:17 | Views: 6640
Start: 10-07-2018 |End: 15-07-2018
The 11th Sonic Arts Summer Academy & Festival is co-organised with the Region of the Ionian Islands, 10-15 July 2018.
13th Athens Animfest [Romantso, 15-18/3/18]
Posted: 09-03-2018 13:57 | Views: 4435
Start: 15-03-2018 |End: 18-03-2018
Animation Screenings at Danaos [11/3-1/4]
Posted: 08-03-2018 15:20 | Views: 3916
Start: 11-03-2018 |End: 01-04-2018
Professors of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts participate in the exhibition "Theorimata" [08/02-15/04/2018]
Posted: 02-02-2018 16:11 | Updated: 15-02-2018 15:51 | Views: 9821
Assistant Professors of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts, Apostolos Loufopoulos and Konstantinos Tiligadis, participate in the exhibition of the Greek section of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA – Hellas) titled Theorimata which will be inaugurated for the first time on Thursday, February the 8th at 19:00 at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (EMST).
Mathematics and Art: A visit to the Herakleidon Museum [Athens, 22/12/2017]
Posted: 19-12-2017 19:39 | Views: 2612
Important Date: 22-12-2017
Within the framework of the course “Mathematics and Art”, taught by Assistant Professor Michalis Panagopoulos, a visit to the Herakleidon Museum in Athens will take place, on Friday, December 22, 2017.
Participation of the dept. of Audio and Visual Arts at the Art Science Technology Festival 2017
Posted: 06-09-2017 11:09 | Views: 7916
Start: 09-09-2017 |End: 17-09-2017
Theatrical Play «4.48 PSYCHOSIS» [6-7/6/2017]
Posted: 01-06-2017 12:14 | Views: 2261
Start: 06-06-2017 |End: 07-06-2017
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Interdisciplinary Conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" 26-28/5/17
Posted: 11-04-2017 19:26 | Updated: 26-05-2017 11:28 | Views: 6788
Start: 26-05-2017 |End: 28-05-2017
The schedule [.v16] of the Interdisciplinary Conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" has been updated.
Lecture of Bill Psarras entitled "The interdisciplinary and intermedia impact of walking performance in the field of GeoHumanities"
Posted: 26-04-2017 15:13 | Updated: 24-05-2017 20:30 | Views: 4992
Important Date: 25-05-2017
On Thursday 25th of May 2017 (1 p.m. - 2.15 p.m., Room 3), ​Bill Psarras will deliver an initial lecture on his postdoctoral art research entitled "The interdisciplinary and intermedia impact of walking performance in the field of GeoHumanities", which will be realized in the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of Ionian University with scholarship from IKY State Foundation (2017-2019).
TTHE: 11th Audiovisual Arts Festival RETROSPECTIVE-IN-MEGARON
Posted: 16-05-2017 15:06 | Updated: 20-05-2017 13:25 | Views: 6485
Start: 20-05-2017 |End: 21-05-2017
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts and the Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory (ΕΡΗΜΕΕ) of the Department of Music Studies invite you to RETROSPECTIVE-IN-MEGARON event, which will take place within the framework of the 11th AUDIOVISUAL ARTS FESTIVAL AT ATHENS CONCERT HALL (MEGARON), on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st May 2017. THE RETROSPECTIVE-IN-MEGARON event is a joint production with the Athens Concert Hall (Megaron Bridges cycle) and in collaboration with the International Animation Festival, Animasyros.
Retrospective-in-Megaron: 2D Animation Workshop by K. Tiligadis and I. Giakoumatou
Posted: 20-05-2017 12:54 | Views: 4868
Start: 20-05-2017 |End: 21-05-2017
The Audio & Visual Arts Department will present its course retrospectively in a digital art show which will be held at the Athens Concert Hall (Megaron) 20 to May 21, 2017. Sunday 21st of May 2017, 16:00-18:00 at the Conference Room 2, the 2D animation workshop entitled "Stop motion – animation" is taking place by the Assistant Professor of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts Konstantinos Tiligadis and by Ioanna Giakoumatou.
Retrospective-in-Megaron: AR by N. Kanellopoulos, D. Lejerskar and G. Deligiannis
Posted: 17-05-2017 16:53 | Updated: 19-05-2017 16:07 | Views: 7816
Start: 20-05-2017 |End: 21-05-2017
The Audio & Visual Arts Department will present its course retrospectively in a digital art show which will be held at the Athens Concert Hall (Megaron) 20 to May 21, 2017. The show will include selected works of graduate, postgraduate students, Phd students and professors, and works by internationally renowned artists. Saturday, May 20th 2017, 11.00 - 14.00, Conference Room 1, two workshops are taking place by G. Deligiannis, Assistant Professor. Sunday, May 21st 2017, Prof. N. Kanellopoulos will present “From Antikythera Computer to Quantum Computer: Augmented Reality and Art” (11.00-13.00, New exhibition hall-lower level) and D. Lejerskar “The evolution of the Augmented Reality Market & the Human – Computer Interaction Problem” (13.00-14.00,New exhibition hall-lower level).
11th Audiovisual Arts Festival: ΑΚΟYSΜΑΤΑ [20th and 21st May 2017, Athens Megaron]
Posted: 16-05-2017 15:50 | Views: 6049
Start: 20-05-2017 |End: 21-05-2017
The Audiovisual Arts Festival, that is taking place every May as an initiative of the Department of Audio-Visual Arts and the Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory[EPHMEE] of Ionian University, brings this year a large part of its activities in Athens, at the hospitable at the Athens Megaron. In this Festival the EPHMEE undertakes the presentation of electroacoustic music projects by means of a custom multichannel audio diffusion system, designed specifically for this series of concerts at Megaron's Banquet Room. The program of this presentation evolves in five thematically organised concerts that will be realised - three - on Saturday 20 and - two - on May 21. More information at the webpage AKOUSMATA:
Theodore Ushev Lecture on “The Empty Frame: the Diary of Erased Memories” in RETROSPECTIVE-IN-MEGARON
Posted: 11-05-2017 17:12 | Views: 2085
Important Date: 11-05-2017
In the context of the masterclasses and lectures programme, Art and Digital Culture (RETROSPECTIVE-IN-MEGARON series of events), an intriguing lecture will be delivered by the renowned animator, graphic designer and illustrator, Theodore Ushev, under the title “The Empty Frame: the Diary of Erased Memories” on May 21, 2017 (6:30-8:30 pm) at Athens Concert Hall (Megaron).
Barry J.C. Purves Lecture on “Stop Motion and why it Works” in RETROSPECTIVE-IN-MEGARON
Posted: 03-05-2017 13:24 | Views: 1922
Important Date: 20-05-2017
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    Lecture poster
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In the masterclass and lectures programme, Art and Digital Culture, which will take place within the framework of RETROSPECTIVE-IN-MEGARON series of events, the internationally recognized British director, scenographer, screenwriter and producer, Barry J.C. Purves, invited in collaboration with BE THERE! Corfu Animation Festival, will give an interesting lecture on “Stop Motion and why it Works”.
Lecture by Dr Patrick Quinn: “Interacting with Sound - Experiences from Glasgow” [3/5/2017]
Posted: 02-05-2017 16:16 | Updated: 02-05-2017 22:01 | Views: 1983
Important Date: 03-05-2017
On Wednesday, May 3rd 2017 at 11 a.m. (Room 3), Dr Partick Quinn, Senior Lecturer in Glasgow Caledonian University, will deliver a speech entitled “Interacting with Sound - Experiences from Glasgow”.
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