7th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2025] - Extended deadline for submissions: 28/02/2025
Posted: 17-01-2025 17:48 | Updated: 30-01-2025 12:37 | Views: 1521
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes the 7th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2025) which will be held in hybrid way - online and in the Ionian Academy in Corfu (Greece), May 9-10, 2025. Extended deadline for submission of extended abstracts: 28 February, 2025 (14.00 CET)
1st International Digital Storytelling Festival (DST-Zakynthos 2024) - Co-organised by InArts [27 – 29/09/2024]
Posted: 14-05-2024 17:21 | Views: 2088
Start: 27-09-2024 |End: 29-09-2024
With that in mind, four Laboratories from three Greek Universities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of the Aegean, and Ionian University) have collaborated to organise the biannual International Digital Storytelling Festival (DST-Zakynthos) in Zakynthos between the biannual International DST conferences.
12th Conference INSAP 2024 [Ionian Academy, 20-24/5/2024, Corfu, Greece]
Posted: 29-06-2023 13:28 | Updated: 14-05-2024 10:50 | Views: 6751
Start: 20-05-2024 |End: 24-05-2024
The ‘INSAP’ meeting [May 20th-24th, 2024] in Ionian Academy - 1, Kapodistriou str., Corfu marks the twelfth in the series of Conferences on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena and will explore humanity’s fascination with the sky by day and by night - which has been a strong and often dominant element in human life and culture.
6th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2024] - Hard deadline extension for submission [29/03/2024]
Posted: 12-01-2024 16:08 | Updated: 14-03-2024 12:20 | Views: 18099
Start: 12-01-2024 |End: 29-03-2024
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes the 6th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2024) which will be held in hybrid way - online and in the Ionian Academy in Corfu (Greece), on Friday 24 May and on Saturday 25 May 2024. Also on 26-27 May, 2024 the joint conference "Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" will take place. Hard deadline extension for submission of extended abstracts: 13 March 29 March, 2024 (14.00 CET)
5th International Conference Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science-TTT 2023 Malta [26-29/09/2023]
Posted: 25-09-2023 15:47 | Views: 4637
Start: 26-09-2023 |End: 29-09-2023
The fifth international conference Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science will take place September 27–29, 2023 in Valletta, Malta. Approximately 170 speakers from more than 30 countries focused (a) on questions about the nature of the forbidden and about the aesthetics of liminality, and (b) on the opening of spaces for creative transformation in the merging of science and art.
Embedding IT and Cyber in music training and performance
Posted: 13-09-2023 13:07 | Views: 5925
Start: 06-09-2023 |End: 07-10-2023
Embedding IT and Cyber in music training and performance”
MUSense project multiplier event
(Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, 6-7 October 2023
5th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2023] - Hard submission deadline [24/03/2023]
Posted: 03-02-2023 23:14 | Updated: 10-03-2023 15:38 | Views: 17958
Start: 12-05-2023 |End: 13-05-2023
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes the 5th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2023) which will be held in hybrid way - online and in the Ionian Academy in Corfu (Greece), on Friday 12 May and on Saturday 13 May 2023. DCAC-2023 submissions via EasyChair. Hard deadline extension for submission of extended abstracts: 24 March, 2023.
4th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2022] - Deadline extension for full text submission: 15/12/2022
Posted: 12-05-2022 15:42 | Updated: 30-11-2022 12:44 | Views: 19555
Start: 13-05-2022 |End: 14-05-2022
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organized the 4th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2022) which took place on Friday 13 May 2022 online and on Saturday 14 May 2022, hybrid at the Ionian Academy in Corfu (Greece). Deadline extension for full text submission: 15 December 2022
28th Panhellenic Academic Libraries Conference (Corfu, October 19-21, 2022)
Posted: 22-09-2022 12:34 | Updated: 15-10-2022 14:34 | Views: 10103
17th International Conference EUTIC: Hybrid, in Corfu and Online - October 13-14-15, 2022.
Posted: 06-04-2022 13:43 | Updated: 24-06-2022 17:56 | Views: 9856
Start: 13-10-2022 |End: 15-10-2022
Corfu 2022 Hybrid Conference - Venue: Ionian Academy in Corfu, Greece - Online: Teleconference and live streaming - Ionian University, October 13-14-15, 2022.
4th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2022]
Posted: 25-01-2022 17:58 | Updated: 09-03-2022 13:50 | Views: 26503
Start: 13-05-2022 |End: 14-05-2022
Τhe Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes the 4th International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2022) which will be held in hybrid way -online and in Corfu (Greece)- on May 13th and 14th, 2022.
3rd International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2021]
Posted: 26-02-2021 15:22 | Updated: 27-05-2021 21:41 | Views: 35275
Start: 28-05-2021 |End: 29-05-2021
Welcome to the 3rd International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges. This year the International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges will be held online. It is hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University) and depending on the pandemic circumstances there will be an option for physical presence. Conference dates: 28-29 May, 2021.
Closure of the 4th International Conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science"
Posted: 14-12-2020 22:17 | Views: 5322
Τhe fourth international conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" took place November 26–28, 2020, exclusively online as TTT2020 Vienna/Online, an umbilical cord between what would be and what it is. The event was an overall reconstruction of its original organization as a face to face experience at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria.
4th World Congress "GeNeDis 2020" (ONLINE)
Posted: 11-09-2020 13:02 | Updated: 04-10-2020 22:07 | Views: 9893
Start: 08-10-2020 |End: 11-10-2020
The 4th World Congress on Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research “GeNeDis 2020″ entitled ‘Health in Aging and Mental Wellness in the new digital era’ will be held exclusively online, 8th to 11th October, 2020. GeNeDis 2020 is oranized by the Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab (BIHELab) of the Department of Informatics, Ionian University, under the patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Mrs Katerina Sakellaropoulou.
CANCELLED - 3rd International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2020] - Proposals submission extended deadline: 18/03/2020
Posted: 20-01-2020 17:06 | Updated: 17-03-2020 01:14 | Views: 34700
Start: 20-01-2020 |End: 18-03-2020
The 3rd International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges will be held in Corfu (Greece), May 15-16, 2020, hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University). Extended deadline for submission of proposals: 18 March, 2020. CANCELLED - See also:
Announcement on Cancelling the 3rd International Conference DCAC 2020 (Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges)
Posted: 17-03-2020 01:08 | Views: 27961
Considering the ongoing spread of SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus) all over the World and under these unforeseen circumstances, the Organizing Committee of the DCAC 2020 is forced to announce the cancellation of the conference.
2nd International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2019] - Full text submission deadline: 26/09/2019
Posted: 21-11-2018 15:27 | Updated: 05-09-2019 16:48 | Views: 25629
Start: 10-05-2018 |End: 11-05-2019
The International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges was held in Corfu (Greece), May 10-11, 2019, hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University). Full text submission deadline: 29/09/2019. Official website:
Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science (November 26–28, 2020): Submission deadline extended
Posted: 30-03-2019 17:46 | Views: 14059
Start: 11-10-2019 |End: 28-11-2020
Τhe fourth international conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" will take place November 26–28, 2020, exclusively online as TTT2020 Vienna/Online, an umbilical cord between what would be and what it is.
Interdisciplinary Conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" 26-28/5/17
Posted: 11-04-2017 19:26 | Updated: 26-05-2017 11:28 | Views: 6775
Start: 26-05-2017 |End: 28-05-2017
The schedule [.v16] of the Interdisciplinary Conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" has been updated.
TTT Conference: "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" [26-28/5/17]
Posted: 16-12-2016 18:15 | Updated: 22-02-2017 15:29 | Views: 8654
Start: 16-12-2016 |End: 10-03-2017
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes for the second year in a row the interdisciplinary conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science", including theoretical and artwork presentations. In 26-28 May 2017 the conference will take place once more in the island of Corfu, Greece. Deadline for proposals: March 10, 2017.
R. Ascott, Stelarc & M. Danezis: keynote speakers at the Ionian University Conference
Posted: 25-02-2016 18:36 | Updated: 28-02-2016 19:37 | Views: 13876
Start: 20-05-2016 |End: 22-05-2016
Groundbreaking pioneers of contemporary art and science will be this year’s keynote speakers for the international interdisciplinary conference of the Ionian University taking place in Corfu: British Roy Ascott, Australian with Cypriot origin Stelarc, (both winners of "Golden Nica" at Ars Electronica), and Greek astrophysicist Dr Manos Danezis.
IISA 2015 - 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications
Posted: 06-07-2015 13:44 | Views: 6948
Start: 06-07-2015 |End: 08-07-2015
Information is widely available and accessible, but frequently leads to information overload and overexposure, while the effort for coding, storing, hiding, securing, transmitting and retrieving it may be excessive. Intelligence is required to manage information and extract knowledge from it, inspired by biological and other paradigms.
Multimedia Systems and Networks, with an increasing level (...)
Elena Hamalidi as keynote speaker for the PDW for Arts and Culture 2014
Posted: 23-09-2014 17:11 | Views: 6260
Start: 02-10-2014 |End: 04-10-2014
6th «ACOUSTICS 2012» Conference
Posted: 07-10-2012 20:29 | Views: 4115
Start: 08-10-2012 |End: 10-10-2012
Organised by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts and the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University and the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA). Corfu, October from 8th to 10th. Updated: 09-10-2012 - Conference Program v8.0 .
Audio Mostly 2012 – 7th Conference on Interaction with Sound
Posted: 27-09-2012 10:59 | Views: 4528
Start: 26-09-2012 |End: 28-09-2012
Hosted by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts and the Department of Music Studies of Ionian University.The conference dates are September 26 - 28, 2012 and it will be held at the Ionian Academy.
17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2011)
Posted: 02-07-2011 18:32 | Views: 4432
Start: 06-07-2011 |End: 08-07-2011
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts invites you to the 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2011). The Conference will be held in July 6-8, 2011 on the island of Corfu, Greece.