The Department of Audio & Visual Arts library is housed in the Central Library of the Ionian University ( Ioanni Theotoki 72, 49100, Corfu).
The department’s collection is regularly updated with specialized literature and periodical editions that cover all the educational and research interests of the Department, as well as with thematic portals and electronic subscriptions to scientific magazines, bibliographical sources, publishing houses, encyclopedias and archives. Moreover, it is linked with the other Greek academic libraries through the HeaLLink network (http://zephyr.lib.uoc.gr/, JStor, Project Muse, Grove Art, Grove Music, Oxford Reference Online, etc.). Finally, in the immediate goals of the library is to create cinema, video art and digital art (video, DVD, films) archives.
Eligible to enrol and borrow material from the library are students and members of the academic and administrative staff of the Department. What is more, the library provides access to its electronic list and electronic subscriptions, data bases, electronic magazines, encyclopedias, dictionaries and publications through the Internet, at the website: http://iup.ionio.gr