General Events
Ionian University Welcomes First Cohort of MARes in Hybrid Arts Students
Posted: 28-01-2025 20:44 | Views: 808
The Ionian University’s Department of Audio and Visual Arts is pleased to announce the successful selection of candidates for the inaugural Master of Research (MARes) in Hybrid Arts program for the academic year 2024–2025. Classes are set to begin on Monday, 3 February 2025, marking the start of an innovative program that explores the dynamic intersections of art, science, and technology.
Open Call - Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2024 - Extended deadline submission 22/10/2024
Posted: 08-10-2024 14:31 | Views: 7498
Start: 09-09-2024 |End: 08-12-2024
The aim of the Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2024 is to present the best from the field of animation from all around the world. The festival also aims to preserve and help develop the cultural heritage of animated film, contribute to creation of new films, provide ground for potential international co-productions and encourages dialogue between professionals, filmmakers and the public. Extended submission deadline: 22/10/2024.
TTTfellows: Art and Science Residency 2024 Fall this October at the Ionian University
Posted: 07-10-2024 14:15 | Views: 2347
Dr. Heidi Hehnly-Chang (USA) and Dr. Boryana Rossa (Bulgaria/USA) from Syracuse University have been selected to participate in TTTfellows: Art and Science Residency 2024 Fall taking place on 23 September - 4 October 2024 (online) and 7-18 October 2024 in-person on the island of Corfu. TTTfellows is organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University, within the framework of Rewilding Cultures, a project co-financed by the European Union, and will be hosted in collaboration with the Corfu Central Public Historical Library - Corfu Tech Lab, the Corfu Aquarium and BiHELab.
Ionian University at International Fair of Thessaloniki - 7-15/09/2024
Posted: 02-09-2024 17:49 | Updated: 08-09-2024 15:36 | Views: 6254
Start: 07-09-2024 |End: 15-09-2024
Ionian University participates for the fourth consecutive year in International Fair of Thessaloniki, which will take place from Saturday 7 to Sunday 15 September 2024 (TIF - Helexpo, Egnatia 154, Thessaloniki). The Foundation's presence in the previous three years was a great success, making its participation in the event an institution.
"TRIBUTE TO KONSTANTINOS THEOTOKIS: Approaches to the Life and Work of the Corfiot Author"
Posted: 05-06-2024 15:04 | Views: 1646
Start: 13-06-2024 |End: 15-06-2024
The Society for Corfiot Studies – Solomos Museum, in collaboration with the Ionian Islands Region and the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, as part of the events celebrating the 20th anniversary of its establishment, is organizing a "Tribute to the author Konstantinos Theotokis" on Thursday, June 13, Friday, June 14, and Saturday, June 15, 2024.
AVARTS Theatre - Student Theater Group - TONIGHT... WE IMPROVISE [02-03-04/06/2024]
Posted: 28-05-2024 14:03 | Views: 7076
Start: 02-06-2024 |End: 04-06-2024
An amateur theatre company struggling to put on a production of Pirandello's "Leonora, addio!" finds its members constantly at odds with each other, while at the same time having to follow the instructions of an authoritarian director who presents their play as nothing less than a gift from God.
AVARTS Live Game Hub
Posted: 27-05-2024 01:46 | Views: 6021
Start: 29-05-2024 |End: 30-05-2024
AVARTS Live Game Hub is an action aiming to bring together new game designers and creators and showcase their ideas to the public. It is organized by teachers of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts with a coordinating core of Vassilis Komianos, Varvara Garnelis, and Emmanuel Rovithis, and is staffed by students who are actively involved in creating games.
Guided tour at the Exhibition - Loukia Alavanou Oedipus in search of Colonus
Posted: 26-05-2024 15:34 | Views: 5206
Important Date: 26-05-2024
The VR film that represented Greece at the 59th Venice Art Biennale is shown in an installation specifically designed for the Ionian Parliament as part of the Audio Visual Arts Festival 2024.
The Light of a Sunless World: An art exhibition of Iro Feidia
Posted: 26-05-2024 15:18 | Views: 5947
Start: 27-05-2024 |End: 02-06-2024
Students and graduates of the Ionian University present a tribute exhibition in memory of Iro Feidia, AVARTS graduate. The aim is to display her illustrative and digital artwork, but also to portray her as an individual, fellow student and friend. Despite her time being short, the plurality and diversity of her work is remarkable.
Opening of the 17th Audiovisual Arts Festival Central event celebrating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University
Posted: 22-05-2024 19:56 | Views: 8618
Important Date: 23-05-2024
Τhe opening of the 17th Festival of Audiovisual Arts (23 May – 02 June 2024), which is the central anniversary event of the celebration of 20 years of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts (AVARTS) of the Ionian University, will be held on Thursday 23/05/2024 at 19:30 in the People's Garden.
Exhibition “Mutagenic Futures”
Posted: 22-05-2024 09:11 | Views: 6778
Start: 23-05-2024 |End: 31-05-2024
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University, on the occasion of the 17th Audiovisual Arts Festival inaugurates on 28 May 2024 at 11:00 am the exhibition “Mutagenic Futures”, with artworks by artists Ken Rinaldo and Adam Zaretsky.
Oedipus in search of Colonus - Discussion with the artist Loukia Alavanou
Posted: 22-05-2024 02:15 | Views: 5149
Important Date: 23-05-2024
Presentation: Telematic live coding performances in SuperCollider using OscGroups [21/05/2024, YouTube]
Posted: 20-05-2024 14:02 | Views: 5229
Important Date: 21-05-2024
PEARL (Performative Environment Art Research Lab) of the Department of Audiovisual Arts of the Ionian University and TOPLAP Athens present a research report and demo followed by a networked live coding concert: Telematic live coding performances in SuperCollider using OscGroups. Date: Tuesday, May 21, Time: 20:00 EET.
Collective Exhibition "Artists' Awakening
Posted: 17-05-2024 18:52 | Views: 8641
Start: 24-05-2024 |End: 30-09-2024
In the context of the 17th Audiovisual Arts Festival and the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, the "LiteRArt" Club celebrates its 2 years of operation with the Opening of the Exhibition "Artists’ Awakening", on Friday, May 31, 2024 (18:00) at the Library and Information Centre of the Ionian University.
Solo exhibition of Vasilis Alexandrou Πολιτικά νωθρό / Politically rekt [25/04-12/05/2024, MOMus- Experimental Center for the Arts, Thessaloniki]
Posted: 26-03-2024 16:10 | Views: 1399
Start: 25-04-2024 |End: 12-05-2024
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University is pleased to announce the solo exhibition of Vasilis Alexandrou, entitled Πολιτικά νωθρό / Politically rekt as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations. The event will take place at MOMus- Experimental Center for the Arts, Thessaloniki, April 25 –May 12, 2024.
Online premiere of the Documentary "Iannis Xenakis: Music of the Universe"
Posted: 06-02-2024 15:06 | Updated: 07-02-2024 13:56 | Views: 7788
Important Date: 08-02-2024
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University within the framework of its 20th anniversary celebrations gladly announces Online premiere of the Documentary “Iannis Xenakis: Music of the Universe”.
This event takes place Online at this link: at Thursday 08 February at 19:00 and is coordinated by Apostolos Loufopoulos.
Training session on: "Art and Activism: a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on Greek women artists." [17/01/2024]
Posted: 21-12-2023 15:03 | Updated: 17-01-2024 11:30 | Views: 2392
Important Date: 17-01-2024
The Interactive Arts Laboratory (InArts Lab) of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University, in collaboration with CorfuTechLab and the Public Central Historic Library of Corfu and with the support of the Wikimedia Community User Group Greece is holding a training session on: "Art and Activism: a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on Greek women artists.", on Wednesday, 17/01/2024, 09:30 - 13:30.
TTTlabs: BioFeral.BeachCamp (BFBC) II - Crete, Spring 2024 - call for applications open!
Posted: 18-12-2023 13:57 | Views: 5926
Start: 01-02-2024 |End: 15-02-2024
Applications are now open for TTTlabs: BioFeral.BeachCamp (BFBC) II - Spring 2014, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and the Ionian University within the Feral Labs Network. Dedicated to issues related to new reproductive technologies, TTTlabs: BioFeral.BeachCamp (BFBC) II under the theme New Repro-Zombie Studies (NR-ZS) - Undead Bioart / Bodyart on the Beach is taking place on 5-14 April 2024 (on-place) on the island of Crete.
HAL: Mystery 91_Magnetic Dance: A Digital Performance at the X-bowling Center in Eleusis, in the framework of the Eleusis23 Cultural Capital of Europe Festival
Posted: 13-10-2023 14:22 | Updated: 26-10-2023 12:21 | Views: 6282
Start: 21-10-2023 |End: 22-10-2023
Project Mystery 91_Magnetic Dance, explores the relationship between technology and culture through a series of performances in collaboration with artists from Greece, Japan, and France. The technology for the project was developed within the framework of the HAL research project of the Department of audiovisual Arts at the Ionian University and is presented here for the first time in autonomous, large-scale works.
Embedding IT and Cyber in music training and performance
Posted: 13-09-2023 13:07 | Views: 5962
Start: 06-09-2023 |End: 07-10-2023
Embedding IT and Cyber in music training and performance”
MUSense project multiplier event
(Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, 6-7 October 2023
International CIOFF® Festival of Mediterranean Cultures [Corfu, 6-10 September 2023]
Posted: 22-08-2023 15:38 | Updated: 06-09-2023 10:26 | Views: 13919
Start: 06-09-2023 |End: 10-09-2023
The National Section of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF®, official partner of UNESCO, the IONIAN UNIVERSITY and the Educational & Cultural Association of Sinies – Corfu, organize the International CIOFF® Festival of Mediterranean Cultures, in Corfu, 6-10 September 2023.
Participation of the project "Speedy Delivery Heroes" to the "Animating the New Hero" exhibition - by Marianne Strapatsakis - Giorgos Nikopoulos | Sound: Andreas Mniestris
Posted: 04-09-2023 16:28 | Views: 2263
The project "Speedy Delivery Heroes" is participating to the "Animating the New Hero" exhibition, at the Anya and Andrew Shiva Gallery at John Jay College, CUNY, NYC.
By: Marianne Strapatsakis - Giorgos Nikopoulos - Sound: Andreas Mniestris
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2023
Posted: 20-06-2023 17:46 | Views: 5227
Start: 20-06-2023 |End: 08-09-2023
The aim of the Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2023 is to present the best from the field of animation from all around the world. The festival also aims to preserve and help develop the cultural heritage of animated film, contribute to creation of new films, provide ground for potential international co-productions and encourages dialogue between professionals, filmmakers and the public. Submission Deadline: 08/09/2023
AKOYSMATA 2023 - Concerts, Workshops, Seminars, 27/05-30/05/2023
Posted: 26-05-2023 12:43 | Views: 8132
Start: 27-05-2023 |End: 30-05-2023
AKOYSMATA 2023 include electroacoustic music concerts at the Ionian Academy on Saturday 27 and Monday 29 May and live electronic music concerts at POLYTECHNO on Sunday 28 and Tuesday 30 May.
5th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2023] - Hard submission deadline [24/03/2023]
Posted: 03-02-2023 23:14 | Updated: 10-03-2023 15:38 | Views: 18040
Start: 12-05-2023 |End: 13-05-2023
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes the 5th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2023) which will be held in hybrid way - online and in the Ionian Academy in Corfu (Greece), on Friday 12 May and on Saturday 13 May 2023. DCAC-2023 submissions via EasyChair. Hard deadline extension for submission of extended abstracts: 24 March, 2023.
XNPM22 Xenakis Networked Performance Marathon 2022
Posted: 13-12-2022 13:03 | Views: 6037
Start: 17-12-2022 |End: 18-12-2022
The year 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Greek-born pioneer composer and thinker Iannis Xenakis, and is accompanied worldwide by events dedicated to his memory and work. To honour this Greek-born musician, a marathon concert takes place at Athens Conservatory, on Saturday 17 December, presenting works inspired by his musical work and his reflections on science and technology and the role of muscles in society and the arts. This event, which takes place at the Athens Conservatory from 7 pm until 3:30 am the following day, features musicians and artists from ten different countries (Greece, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Japan, Mexico, England, Ireland, Germany, Turkey, United States).
4th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2022] - Deadline extension for full text submission: 15/12/2022
Posted: 12-05-2022 15:42 | Updated: 30-11-2022 12:44 | Views: 19628
Start: 13-05-2022 |End: 14-05-2022
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organized the 4th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2022) which took place on Friday 13 May 2022 online and on Saturday 14 May 2022, hybrid at the Ionian Academy in Corfu (Greece). Deadline extension for full text submission: 15 December 2022
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2022 - Great international participation with more than 1300 submissions
Posted: 27-10-2022 16:02 | Updated: 31-10-2022 13:44 | Views: 4295
The Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2022, organized for fourth year by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University had a great participation with more than 1.300 movie submissions!
[Live] Global Online Symposium META-Xenakis (30/9 - 1/10/2022)
Posted: 30-09-2022 17:56 | Updated: 01-10-2022 16:43 | Views: 5931
Start: 30-09-2022 |End: 01-10-2022
The META-Xenakis global symposium will be held online on September 30 and October 1, 2022, by various educational institutions across 5 countries all over the world connected via the web.
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Friday 21-02-2025
Coming Soon
Dalila Honorato, Prof. of the Dept. of Audio & Visual Arts, in the Collective Exhibition FISSURA in Portugal, 6-24.02.2025
Important Date: 24-02-2025