"The shipwrecked"" is a sound-work, where the radio emerges as a means of broadcasting and at the same time of creation, combining art with technique and aesthetics with technology.
""The shipwreck"" was awarded the first prize in the ERT competition in 1986. It is a work made only with sounds, (pre-recorded, natural, elaborated and constructed), and music.
Duration: 9'.40''
Radio director: Spyros Kavakopoulos
ERT Audio Library: Spyros Kavakopoulos
Editing: Spyros Kavakopoulos
Sound engineer, specialized in radio broadcasting.
Working experience:
National Radio and Television Broadcasting (ERT)
Institute of Audiovisual Works
“Hellas News”- Annex of the Greek Radio Station in New York.
Scientific Fellow at the National Organization for the Certification of Qualification and Vocational Guidance
General Educator in Public Education
Evaluator of Educational Projects of the Ministry of Work.
1st Prize at the National Radio and TV Broadcasting for the production of a radio-art-work, made only with sounds. (1986)
2nd Prize for 4 essays concerning the elimination of bureaucracy, by the Ministry of Presidency. (1990)
2 Honorable prizes by National Radio and TV Broadcasting (1993, 2004)
Many complimentary comments in Panhellenic newspapers.