"Μα κι ευτύς ως γεννηθούμε, αρχίζει κι η προσπάθεια να δημιουργήσουμε, να συνθέσουμε, να κάμουμε την ύλη ζωή· κάθε στιγμή γεννιούμαστε. Γι’ αυτό πολλοί διαλάλησαν: Σκοπός της εφήμερης ζωής είναι η αθανασία.” Νίκος Καζαντζάκης, Ασκητική A strongly contradictory formulation by Nikos Kazantzakis that brought to my mind many other thoughts: "What is ephemeral for each of us?", "Surely we perceive it differently", "But how different do we feel towards him?". All these thoughts, but also so many others, were the beginning of the idea for this film. Initially, in my attempt to make these concepts more concrete in my mind, I realized that I did not need to limit them to the narrow confines of myself. So, I decided to capture the views, ideas, perceptions and contradictions of various friends around the idea of the ephemeral with the realism that touches the context of individual interviews, as well as the feelings that may be created towards what they perceive as "ephemeral".
Kostas Polychronidis