Ludger Brümmer "Falling" (2020), 27’30’'
The acousmatic 42-channel composition "Falling" was created for the premiere at the Centro de Cultural de Belem in Lisbon. At the Open Day, the sound domain version will be heard for the first time. On the occasion of the Beethoven Year 2020, the work deals with a very late composition by Beethoven: "The Great Fugue" (op. 133.). This string quartet provided the sound material for all sounds. The material is completely turned upside down, pressed into new energetic shapes and follows an independent dramaturgical course. Nevertheless, individual phrases or chords of Beethoven shine through again and again. For this, one does not have to know the underlying composition and can also get involved in this expansive composition without this background, which has some surprising twists. If at the beginning the material is charged more and more with energy, the time compressed more and more, this turns over after a while and turns to the timeless. Some chords of Beethoven, similar to the convergence and merging of two black holes, are transferred into the temporal "nothingness" after the extreme density.