
15th Photography Exhibition by the Photography Laboratory of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts

Posted: 09-05-2022 14:56 | Updated: 11-05-2022 21:23 | Views: 15150
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As part of the 15th Festival of Audiovisual Arts, the Photography Laboratory of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts is organizing the 15th Photography Exhibition, which will take place at the Prisons of the Old Fortress, in Corfu.

Opening: Friday, 13/5/22, 20:00.
Exhibition Duration: 13/05/2022 - 29-05-2022.
Prisons of the Old Fortress, daily 12:00-17:00.
Exhibition Curator: Antonis Zivas, Assistant Professor, Department of Audio & Visual Arts.

About the Laboratory
With the exception of the recent pandemic period, the Photography Laboratory of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes every year starting in 2006 a free participation workshop, outside the framework of semester courses and university evaluation, with the aim of holding group exhibitions in the city of Corfu and other places. To date, student exhibitions have been held in the Municipal Gallery of Corfu, in the archaeological site of the Old Fortress of Corfu, at "Nikos Temponeras" Amphitheater, Tavros, Athens and Athens Concert Hall.

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