Xeni Kitzoglou, Elli Lyberopoulou, Evangelos Dobrakis, Katerina Harela, Evan Gard
What is the correlation between the individual and the public space, if it exists? Action is based on our team's positioning of 'belonging'. We examine the relationship with other people and with ourselves. We claim part of the public space and collective self-determination. The environment is a source of inspiration for us as it has the ability to reshape, adapt and change depending on the personalities and objects that contribute to it.
Xeni Kitzoglou
Xeni Kitzoglou grew up in Athens. She is twenty-three years old and is in the fifth year of her
studies at the Audiovisual Arts Department of Ionian University. She has participated in
voluntary groups, choral ensembles and collective actions concerning social solidarity and
coexistence. In 2016, she represented the Greek Scouts Association at a European
Conference in Spain and in 2022 she volunteered at Tedx Ionian University. She has attended
the Pedagogical Training Program and is actively involved in the field of education. She has
participated in the Erasmus program in Malta and is interested in Performance, Video Art,
acting and Art Therapy.
Elli Lyberopoulou
I’m Elli(en), and I’m an AVARTS Student, I do performance art, photography, video art, drawing and whatever else I can get my hands on. I generally feel like I don’t have enough time. My works are rather attempts to manage my existential crises and an internal search, maybe I will figure something out after all.
Evangelos Dobrakis
My name is Vangeli and I work in performance, sculpture, painting, etc. I have a degree in
graphic arts. I am interested in research in art socially philosophically as well as didactically.
Katerina Harela
Katerina Harela is a student of the Department of Sound and Visual Arts of the Ionian
University, she is amateur dancer and she occupies her self with painting, sculpture and
comic illustration.
Evan Gard
Evan Gard is a 22-year-old Greek director. He was born and raised in Athens and is currently studying Audiovisual Arts at the Ionian University. His first acclaimed short film "The Butterfly's Piano Who Was Played by Gko" (2019) was screened in 7 countries and won 2 awards for the best student short film under 18. In 2022 Evan Garde directed the short film "Days" an experimental short film about letting go which was screened at 2 festivals in Tunisia and New York.