The context of the reasoning, in which is based the conformation of this specific field recording, is the productive violence of the records. This project aims to create a fragmental environment of information about the characteristics of a silent environment: an Active Urban Planning Zone, Kissos, close to Thessaloniki that appears as a non-place, as a long process of continuous disagreements about the way that urban development deployed it, led to the pause of the construction and decided than is a reforestable site. The silence of this place enforced me to record the particular resonances of objects there. This was the reason why the majority of themes of the sound records are based on intentional gestures on the objects that we mentioned before, focusing at the same time at the intention to shape a hasty sound character of the landscape, The title of this project aims to symbolically guide a narration, which is close to the wandering an enigmatic figure in an endless dream of a forced and debilitating life.