Date and Time: 15/05/2021 (15:00-17:00), 18/05/2021 (19:00-21:00)
Vasilis Katsakos
The electroacoustic sound focuses on rapid change and the interaction of events with each other. There is cause and effect. I wanted to explore how sounds can interact with each other and at the same time not become predictable. The video is made in the Max / Msp programming environment. It consists of visuals, which react to changes in the elements of the piece. The meaning of visuals is to emphasize the changes and to create an audiovisual experience.
Vasilis Katsakos
Vasilis Katsakos is a graduate of the Department of Sound and Musical Instrument Technology at Technological Education Institute of Ionian Islands. He has participated in electroacoustic concerts of the University. He has worked as a sound engineer in concert venues, cinema and theater. He is currently pursuing the Master program Arts and Technologies of Sound.