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2day events with works by students of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts
Posted: 28-05-2022 14:06 | Views: 13530
This weekend May 28-29th 2022 in Corfu town the program of the 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival has a strong presence of events with works by students of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University.
Chania Film Festival | Audiovisual Arts Festival: Discussion "Documentary in Education" (24/05/2022)
Posted: 23-05-2022 18:53 | Views: 13902
The 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University, in collaboration with the Chania Film Festival is organizing a discussion titled “Documentary in Education”. This discussion is addressing the educational community of Corfu, teachers of Primary and Secondary Education and aims to investigate the level of digital skills in education, to suggest new ways of thinking through programmes such as Art Education using New Media while, on the other hand, pointing out the difficulties in realizing innovative projects.
AVARTS Live Game Hub
Posted: 22-05-2022 18:05 | Views: 16883
The AVARTS Live Game Hub is an action that aims to bring together new game designers and creators and promote their ideas to the public. It is organized by teachers of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts with a coordinating core of Vasileios Komianos, Varvara Garnelis, and Emmanouel Rovithis, and participated by students who are actively involved in creating games. It focuses on the design and (...)
Hari Marini curates a series of workshops, artist talk & performance run by PartSuspended artist collective within AVSchool & Avfest, May 2022
Posted: 12-05-2022 12:04 | Views: 17962
Hari Marini and PartSuspended artist collective ( will run the following workshops, artist talk and performance work within AVSchool May 2022, open to all. PartSuspended’s projects follow an interdisciplinary approach and include live performance, movement, movement, sound, video-work, writing, participatory workshops, exhibitions and installations. Their work (...)
15th Photography Exhibition by the Photography Laboratory of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts
Posted: 09-05-2022 14:56 | Updated: 11-05-2022 21:23 | Views: 15172
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gr  pdf.png  Poster of the Exhibition
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As part of the 15th Festival of Audiovisual Arts, the Photography Laboratory of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts is organizing the 15th Photography Exhibition, which will take place at the Prisons of the Old Fortress, in Corfu. Opening: Friday, 13/5/22, 20:00. Exhibition Duration: 13/05/2022 - 29-05-2022. Exhibition Curator: Antonis Zivas, Assistant Professor, Department of Audio & Visual Arts.
Satellite event of the 15th AudioVisual Arts Festival: Visiting seminar of Argyris Zachos as part of the [AVA841] Audiovisual Production Management module
Posted: 06-05-2022 12:17 | Views: 14250
On Monday 09 of May 2022, at 09:00-12:00 in the Lecture Theatre 2 of the History Department we are hosting a visiting seminar with Mr. Argyris Zachos, as part of the [AVA841] Audiovisual Production Management module.
Dance demonstration (IDE-Fantasy, EASTN-DC) on 02-07/05/2022 at the Studio of the Municipal and Regional Theater of Corfu (DIPETHE)
Posted: 28-04-2022 12:42 | Views: 14500
From Monday 2 to Friday 7 May, Ms Haruka Hirayama, Mr. Hideaki Isobe (Professors of Computer Music, Music Technology and New Media at Hokkaido Information University and Tokyo Music College) are visiting Corfu as guests of the European project EASTN-DC  (European Art-Science-Technology Network, Digital Creativity) and the Audiovisual Arts Festival of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University, to develop and show projects at the Studio of the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfu.
Call for Volunteers of the 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival
Posted: 01-04-2022 17:12 | Views: 27100
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en  doc.png  Application for Volunteers
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The Steering Committee of the 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival (#AVfest2022) of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, in collaboration with the ERHMEE Lab - Department of Music Studies, of the Ionian University invites students and anyone who is interested in joining the volunteers’ team.
15th Audiovisual Arts Festival [12/05 - 05/06/2022]
Posted: 10-03-2022 11:08 | Updated: 01-04-2022 12:04 | Views: 27524
The program of the 15th Audiovisual Arts Festival, which will take place on Μay 12th to June 5th 2022, covers, as every year, a wide range of artistic, educational and scientific activities.
4th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2022]
Posted: 25-01-2022 17:58 | Updated: 09-03-2022 13:50 | Views: 27199
Τhe Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes the 4th International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2022) which will be held in hybrid way -online and in Corfu (Greece)- on May 13th and 14th, 2022.
DCAC-2021 Conference: Full paper submission hard deadline extension up to November 15th, 2021
Posted: 29-08-2021 19:33 | Updated: 15-10-2021 17:52 | Views: 19524
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en  doc.png  Full text template (Microsoft Word)
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en  doc.png  Full text template (Open Office Writer)
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The deadline for the submission of full papers for the works presented in DCAC-2021 has been extended up to November 15th, 2021 (hard deadline).
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2021 | Hard Submission Deadline: 10/10/2021
Posted: 31-08-2021 12:19 | Updated: 04-10-2021 14:53 | Views: 27685
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en  pdf.png  ICONA 2021 - Statuses and Rules
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The aim of the Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2021 is to present the best from the field of animation from all around the world. The festival also aims to preserve and help develop the cultural heritage of animated film, contribute to creation of new films, provide ground for potential international co-productions and encourages dialogue between professionals, filmmakers and the public. Hard Submission Deadline: 10/10/2021
Celebrating the closing of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival at the Ionian University
Posted: 14-07-2021 13:47 | Views: 28515
The 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival programme completed with great success its artistic, educational and scientific activities. The live activities lasted 18 days, from 13 to 31 May 2021. The steering committee of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival warmly thanks its audiences for their support to all the actions throught these days: the particularly encouraging comments strengthen the efforts for the next Audiovisual Arts Festival!
Video-on-demand screenings of works and presentations of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival (available until June 30, 2021)
Posted: 21-05-2021 23:18 | Updated: 07-06-2021 17:00 | Views: 21193
All the material (video projections) of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival and the 3rd International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2021] that has already been screened is available in every presentation until June 30, 2021.
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