Introduction to Photography

Teaching Staff: Zivas Antonis
Course Code: VIS231
Course Category: General Background
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: Greek
Delivery method: Lectures
Semester: 2nd
Teaching Units: 2
Teaching Hours: 2
E Class Page:

Teaching Structure:
ActivitySemester Workload
Literature Study and Analysis48
Practice and Preparation26
Course Total (ECTS: 4)100

Prerequisite to / Recommended to: VIS331, (VIS430), VIS431, VIS531, VIS631, VIS731, VIS831, (VIS835)
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Short Description:

The course deals with photography's historic evolution from the time of its discovery up to mid 20th century. The basic photographic techniques of the period are examined (Daguerreotype, Calotype, Wet Plate, Gelatin Silver Bromide Plate), together with issues concerning photography's visual characteristics through analysis of important professional and amateur photographers' work (from Nadar and Cameron to Stieglitz and Cartier-Bresson). With regard to the latter issue, the course examines as well the relationship between photography and painting (mid 19th century Photographic Pictorialism, 19th century Realist painting, Modern Movement). Documentary Photography and Photojournalism are being dealt with, with regard to their peculiar visual handling. 

Objectives - Learning Outcomes:

The student is brought in contact with the first hundred years of History of Photography (its evolution since mid 20th century to our days being covered by another course) in order that he/she is acquainted with the photographic picture's peculiar visual characteristics. This knowledge is considered to be a necessary basis for the subsequent photography classes.


1st Week:  General introduction to the courses' syllabus and aims
2nd Week:  Advent of Photography and reasons for its discovery
3rd Week:  First inventors. Daguerreotype and Calotype
4th Week:  Wet Plate. Photography and Recording (O'Sullivan, Jackson, Marville); Portrait, the work of Nadar and Carjat
5th Week:  Photographic Pictorialism; Photography and mid 19th century Realist Painting. References and comparisons
6th Week:  Muybridge and the evolution of technique; advent of Gelatin Silver Bromide Plate. Emerson's work and its importance; introduction to Stieglitz's work
7th Week:  Intermediate test
8th Week:  USA, Straight Photography. Atget, Patzsch and relative European references
9th Week:  European 'Instant Vision' Photography
10th Week: Modern Movement in Visual Arts and its Photographic expressions
11th Week: Advent of Social Documentary Photography; USA: Riis, Hine and FSA
12th Week: Birth of mass illustrated magazines in mid-war Europe and USA; the advent of Photojournalism
13th Week: Summary

Suggested Bibliography:

Newhall, Beaumont (2002). The History of Photography. New York: MOMA

Jeffrey, Ian (2006). Photography–A Concise History. London: Thames & Hudson

Warner Marien, Mary (2002). Photography – A Cultural History. London: Lawrence King

Guadagnini, Walter (ed., 2010). Photography–The Origins 1839-1890. Milano: Skira

Guadagnini, Walter (ed., 2012). Photography–A New Vision of the World 1891-1940. Mi: Skira

Guadagnini, Walter (ed., 2013). PhotographyFrom the Press to the Muserum 1941-1980.   Milano: Skira

Guadagnini, Walter (ed., 2014). PhotographyThe Contemporary Era 1981-2013. Milano: Skira

Wells, Liz (ed., 2009). Photography–A Critical Introduction. Νέα Υόρκη: Routledge

Teaching Methods:

Lectures through use of visual and audiovisual material; group discussion

New Technologies:

Enhanced by multimedia content.
The learning process is supported by the asyncrhonous e-learning platform e-class.

Evaluation Methods:

Written or oral test

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