Greece – Puglia Experience Screenwriting Workshop: Call for application (participants). Art Director of the Workshop: Alexandros Avranas
Posted: 13-03-2019 16:48 | Updated: 26-03-2019 11:46 | Views: 9748
Start: 13-03-2019 |End: 08-04-2019
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University) is organizing the “Greece – Puglia Experience Screenwriting Workshop“. The Workshop is part of the CIAK (Common Initiatives to AcKnowledge and valorize tourism potential of the programme area through cinema,INTERREG GREECE – ITALY) and the objective is to bring together the areas of western Greece (Ionian Islands, Epirus, Western Greece) and Puglia Region through film scripts. Art Director of the Workshop: Alexandros Avranas. The deadline for applications is 8/4/2019, 22:59 CET (UTC+1). Online submission platform:
"Audiovisual Arts in the Digital Age" 2017-2018 Call
Posted: 04-05-2017 18:01 | Updated: 14-09-2017 17:14 | Views: 15619
Start: 04-05-2017 |End: 15-09-2017
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University offers the Postgraduate Programme "Audiovisual Arts in the Digital Age" for the academic year 2017-2018. Submission deadline: September 15th, 2017, 14:00 hs.
Call for teaching proposals at the Ionian University
Posted: 26-07-2017 11:40 | Views: 14754
Start: 26-07-2017 |End: 30-08-2017
Call for teaching proposals at the Ionian University by young researchers holding a PhD, in the implementation of "Obtaining Academic Teaching Experience for Young Researchers Doctorate Holders" program.
13th Athens Digital Arts Festival: Call for Entries [Extended deadline: 14/02/2017]
Posted: 09-01-2017 13:41 | Updated: 02-02-2017 14:41 | Views: 2748
13th Athens Digital Arts Festival | 18 - 21 May, 2017. Αrtists are invited to ‘transcend’ digital culture and exchange opinions under the theme #PostFuture.
International Music Competition
Posted: 02-02-2017 11:59 | Views: 2782
Megaro Mousikis of Athens organizes a competition for original composition in short film animation. Contestants are invited to compose original music for the award-winning animation film by Greek artist Irene Vianelli.
Open Call: MULTIMATION - Multimedia for the stage
Posted: 05-01-2017 12:37 | Views: 3041
Important Date: 05-01-2017
Open call for live multimedia art performances that expand the field of animation, focusing on flow and movement in public space and environment. Full proposal needs to be submitted by 31st of January.
"Audiovisual Arts in the Digital Age" 2016-17 Call
Posted: 05-09-2016 17:42 | Views: 18698
Start: 05-09-2016 |End: 09-09-2016
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University offers the Postgraduate Programme "Audiovisual Arts in the Digital Age" for the academic year 2016-2017. Submission deadline: July 15th, 2016 September 9th, 2016.