Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

9-13 September 2025, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

Rewilding Cultures Mobility Conversation grant 2024: selections made

Posted: 04-06-2024 10:24 | Views: 1180

We want to thank everyone who applied for the Rewilding Cultures Mobility Conversation 2024. We received over 100 applications and the Rewilding Cultures partner associations have now gone through all of the applications. Each partner association selected their own candidate, which means we were able to issue grants for 8 applicants.

In the end, Rob la Frenais (Cultivamos Cultura), Višnja Kisić and Goran Tomka (Bioart Society), Miranda Moss (Schmiede Hallein), Björn Kröger (Radiona), Maryia Kamarova (ART2M / Makery), Alqumit Alhamad (Culture Yard), Johanna Ruotsalainen (Projekt Atol), and Ghazal Ramzani (Ionian University) were selected to receive a grant for their project. Below are short introductions to all the selected projects.

Rob le Frenais will slow travel from Tolouse, France, to Turku, Finland, to participate to New Performance Turku Festival, and visit artists, labs and organisations along the way. Višnja Kisić and Goran Tomka will travel from Hungary to Finland using an electric car and visit different forect ecosystems along the way to learn from these places and beings that inhabit them. Miranda Moss will travel from Sweden to Switzerland by train to attend the research week / summercamp in rural Switzerland that Swiss Mechatronic Art Society (SGMK) organizes. Björn Kröger will travel from Helsinki to Poznan and Germany to visit anthropologist Małgorzata Z. Kowalska and visit the Lake Niedzięgiel (central Poland) and Lake Stechlin (Germany) together with her. The two lakes are homes for the threatened stonewort, fresh-water algae, which form meadows on shallow bottoms of clear and unpolluted lakes. Maryia Kamarova will travel by train from Prague to Orléans to participate in residency at Labomedia, where she will collaborate with Pierre Signolat and develop a prototype of a modular multichannel setup for live sound performances. She will present the residency outcome at (Festival Re/Dé}connecte. Alqumit Alhamad will travel with the objective of comprehending the World War II's effect on the ecosystems of major European cities. This exploration aims to unveil the enduring impacts that have reshaped the environmental landscape of the continent. Johanna Ruotsalainen will travel to Hammerfest via Kiruna, Narvik and Tromsø, by driving, biking and walking to record sounds and compose music on site. Ghazal Ramzani aims to explore the connection between disappearance of indigenous dances and the vanishing forests in their homeland Mazandaran/Iran, probing into the reflections they offer in the contemporary landscape.

Rewilding Cultures (RC) is a Creative Europe collaboration project, which wants to reposition the wild within the field of art practices connecting to science and technology. As the European cultural sector has been and still is affected by multiple subsequent and coincident crises (incl. COVID-19, war-induced inflation, migration) we need to rewild on terms fit for the present and future.

Rewilding Cultures is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, which aims to support European projects in the field of cultural production and innovation. The partner associations include ART2M / Makery (FR), Bioart Society (FI), Catch (Helsingør Kommune) Center for Art, Technology and Design (DK), Cultivamos Cultura (PT), Ionian University (GR), Radiona (HR) Schmiede Hallein (AT) and Projekt Atol (SI) which leads the project. More information on the project available on the Rewilding Cultures website.

Rewilding Cultures is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, which aims to support European projects in the field of cultural production and innovation.

About Ghazal Ramzani's project
Ghazal Ramzani is a Berlin-based Iranian dancer, choreographer, dance filmmaker and facilitator. She received her formal dance training in the indo-persian Kathak dance at the National School of Kathak-New Delhi, where she was awardee of the Indian Councils of Arts and Culture. She completed her MFA in Contemporary Performative Arts at the University of Gothenburg, where she was awarded the Artisens Vanner scholarship. As an artist hailing from North-Iran and descendent from working-class women, Ghazal Ramzani's  practice encompasses artistic engagement with her community of origin. According to the artist, her movement language is rooted in communal stories, counter-narratives and indigenous dance traditions and her dance performances chronicle narratives of injustice, trauma and resistance that intertwine layers of the mythological, the political and the intimate. In this project, Ghazal Ramzani aims to explore the connection between disappearance of indigenous dances and the vanishing forests in her homeland Mazandaran/Iran, probing into the reflections they offer in the contemporary landscape. Recognizing informal dance gatherings within her community as fertile grounds for imagination and introspection, she seeks to delve into the ways in which these gatherings reflect the environmental emergency. 

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