Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

9-13 September 2025, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

The official name of the conference is the Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science, acronym TTTYear Location: TTT2025 Ljubljana
“Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science” started as a wish to explore three different levels of conception and perception of the aesthetics and ethics in the field of art & science. During its maturing process the project developed towards the exploration of the line where art and science meet and therefore also the border where they divide. The three “T” initials condensate three ideas. First the forbidden, a convention that is so deeply rooted that few seem to be willing to break it. Second is defiance, the challenge to the convention itself either through the resistance to execute an order or through direct action against the status quo. Third, the sublimation, the transition to an alternative state that overcomes the expected intermediary stages in linear conceptualization, here connected with the expansion of limits.

There are two main logos and one special version. When to use which logo depends on the purpose and how much information is required.


The official hashtags of the conference are: 
#tttinartsci #ttt2025 #tttconference #tttljubljana
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TTT2025 Teaser- Video editing: Tania Tsiridou

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Updated: 18-11-2024

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