The Corfu Summer School in Hybrid Arts will begin in May 29th, 2017, integrating both Greek mythological inspiration connected with the Ionian Islands and the (almost) unlimited possibilities of new media. The Summer School will run for two weeks, divided in two cycles. Applicants can submit their registration to one or both cycles. Each cycle has a duration of one week, the first starting on May 29th, 2017 and the second on June 5th, 2017. The courses offered are theoretical and practical and the program also includes seminars from guest speakers in several locations connected with the thematic of the summer school. All courses and seminars are taught in English.


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The 17th Audiovisual Arts Festival of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University ended with great success and large public attendance
Posted: 05-06-2024 13:44
The 17th Audiovisual Arts Festival, a central event of the celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (AVARTS) of the Ionian University, ended on Sunday (02/06) with great success and large public attendance. For 10 days (May 23 – June 2, 2024) an original program of artistic, scientific and educational events provided the city of Corfu with new cultural experiences, gaining the attention of the academic and the local community.

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