Radio Art

Description: Radio art is a category of audio art which makes use of the artistic potential of the radio as a medium. In Greece Radio art is closely related to theater-plays produced for the radio (hoerspiel). However, Radio art goes much further artistically technically and structurally, being essentially a complex electroacoustic music composition encompassing every possible approach to narrative strategies by means of sound poetics, i.e. from the abstract acousmatic to the highly dramaturgical. A rich literature has been created for radio since the beginning of the 20th century forming a great variety of types and kinds of works, which become particularly adventurous in the '60s and after, in a constant search for innovative ways of interweaving sounds and meanings. This course introduces the student to the history, the theory, the aesthetic approaches and the technical aspects of this art through a theoretical presentation, a listening session and a production workshop.

Keywords: sonic art, experimental radio, neue hoerspiel

Objectives (hour):
Introduction to the History and Aesthetics of Radio Art [3h] by Spyros Galanopoulos
Elements of radio theory (and its art) [2h] by Andreas Mniestris
Sound Design for radio [3h] by Apostolos Loufopoulos

Prerequisites/advisable prior knowledge: n/a

Evaluation feedback: tba

Recommended reading list:

Courses' Instructors
Spyros GalanopoulosApostolos LoufopoulosAndreas Mniestris

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