
Workshops and seminars cycle AV-School 2023: May 14-16th in Corfu

Posted: 24-04-2023 11:34 | Updated: 12-05-2023 18:19 | Views: 19065

AV-school hosts educational activities that take place in the framework of the Audiovisual Arts Festival. AV-School 2023 takes place May 14-16th in the premises of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts and its activities are open to all members of the academic community and general public. The Department of Audio & Visual Arts is located at the historical site of the Old Asylum of Corfu which has been repurposed to host several departments of the Ionian University. This year’s workshops and seminars cycle AV-School, organized within the Audiovisual Arts Festival, is a humble tribute to the history of the Old Asylum of Corfu, to its caregivers and patients' efforts, that are inspiring to new generations of artists.

With a rich and intense program in its schedule, AV-School 2023 includes (in order of appearance): “StoryLab: Exploring ideas for screenwriting” by Erik Knudsen and Iakovos Panagopoulos, “Artist’s Portfolio Lab” by Maria Aslanidi, “Indian classical dance, contemporary practices and algorithm: seeking a new language” by Justine Goussot, “=ULTRASONICA= Sonographic Art” by Aisen Caro Chacin, “Caring Systems” by Lyndsey Walsh, “Are you a full woman?” by Daniella LaGaccia, and “Body in Space Performance Workshop” by Marcela I. Oteíza.

Registration is free of charge but places are limited. A certificate of attendance will be provided to all presents. AV-School 2023 is supported through TTTfellows by the project Rewilding Cultures co-funded by the EU program Creative Europe, StoryLab Network, Wesleyan University, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Voulgaris Hospitality Group, School of Dance Eva Petropoulou and the Interactive Arts Laboratory of the Ionian University.

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  • Ionian Academy
  • Municipal Gallery of Corfu
  • Former Asylum
  • Department of Music Studies
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