The short film script Kalimantzaro by Konstantina Karavassili, a student of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, won the 1st Prize for Original Short Screenplay at the Screenwriters' Guild of Greece's Awards Ceremony on December 2nd, 2024, hosted by the Michael Cacoyannis Foundation. The awards of the 11th Panhellenic Short and Long Original Screenplay Writing Contest of the Screenwriters' Union of Greece and the 8th Panhellenic Writing Contest for a Theatrical Play and a 30-page Theatrical Play were presented at the event. The presenters of the event were Alexandra Georgopoulou M.K.F. and Alexandros Kakavas, President of the Guild. For the category of short film scripts, four scripts were awarded with praise, while three prizes were awarded, of which Konstantina Karavassili was awarded the first place.
A few words about the script:
Kalimanzaro (2024) is a short film script of about twenty pages, which was a term paper for the course Screenwriting Techniques for Cinema and Education (Exam Winter Semester 2023-2024) taught by Assistant Professor Dr Iakovos Panagopoulos. This script was the student's first attempt at writing a script, who loved the process and decided to take part in the contest.