On Thursday March 28, 2024, 15:00-17:00, at room YK1, Dr. Adam Zaretsky, Dr. Robert B. Lisek and Dr. Clarissa Ribeiro will be presenting “Genetic Engineering in Hybrid Arts” as guest-lecturers of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts within the framework of the course THE202 Communication Theory.
Title: A Prelude for Transgenic Humans
Description: Adam Zaretsky discusses how the human species might soon be able to take its biological evolution into its own hands.
More about Adam Zaretsky: https://www.makery.info/en/author/adam-zaretsky/
Title: Exploring Zombies in AV Performances
Description: Robert B. Lisek delves into themes of life, death, and reproduction through scientific, artistic, and philosophical perspectives in AV performances.
More about Robert B. Lisek: https://robertlisek.com/
Title: Human-Non-Human-Zombies: The Art of Devouring
Description: Clarissa Ribeiro examines the societal impact of humanized non-humans, blurring boundaries and exploring necropolitical use through technoetic arts.
More about Clarissa Ribeiro: https://www.instagram.com/clarissa__ribeiro/
Visitor program coordination: Assoc. Prof. Dalila Honorato and Spec. Fac. Marily Argyrokastriti. This guest lecture is an outcome of the event TTTfellows: Art and Science Residency II by the Ionian University within the project Rewilding Cultures co-funded by Creative Europe. Other activities of the artists include the performance XenoZombie on Wednesday March 27, 2024, 21:00-22:00 at Polytechno as guest of the Ionian University within the framework of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts.