Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

9-13 September 2025, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

Unhuman: an essay on the monstrosity of the future body
Event Hours: 12/09/2025 (14:00)
Location: Komuna - Kino Šiška
María Nonantzin (MAGENTA) Martínez Bautista

In this talk/essay, I want to present to you some concepts from which I have been developing my artistic project and my reflection on my practice with biomaterials, AR (augmented reality) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) specifically in this project; about the non-human and monstrosity as a way of constructing ourselves and everything it implies from the reflection of posthumanist theory

In order to understand what a Posthuman or a Transhuman is,
it would be necessary to first understand what it means to be a human,
how it is constituted and, at what moment it stops being a human.
where does the idea of ​​being human come from? In general,
it is taken for granted that we all know what it is to be a human.
However, in the context of Post-Transhumanist speculation,
we would have to go back to the origins in order to know what we are talking about.
I will return to the ideal of ​​the human being as a starting point in order to
resignify and update the idea of ​​the human. Thus, I propose that the human is built not only
based on what is proper to it, such as being rational, free will, among other things;
but also for everything he has left behind throughout history and; importantly,
for everything that has been left aside: the intolerable, that which is of the order of
the monstrous: the unhuman, the inhuman, that is, the radically incomprehensible Other. As part of the talk ,I will present to you a multimedia essay about my artistic process
of the work that I have been working on the subject.

María Nonantzin (MAGENTA) Martínez Bautista

MAGENTA (María Nonantzin Martínez Bautista, México)

Transdisciplinary researcher, designer and artist. Master in CyAD (Sciences and Arts for Design)
and PhD candidate in Social Sciences in the field of politics and Comunication from the U.A.M.
Originally from Mexico City, her plastic work is developed in the field of Speculative Art and Design,
Live Cinema, live code, WearableArt, audiovisual performance, live code
and biosensors, Noise with DIY devices, among others. She has been an Academic Researcher and teacher
of Transdisciplinary Art and Multimedia Design. In her work she seeks the possibilities of code as a plastic artistic material,
as well as experimenting from an inter-semiotic perspective, experimentation with new materials,AR(augmented reality) AI(Artificial Inteligence)
DIY hardware and software design and development; sound collage, live coding, audiovisual,
and robotics, among others. in the digital,she takes the biological (data, development of new materials
) as material for artistic production, aesthetics and speculative design.
Her work conceptually reflects mainly on Critical Theory: Deconstruction,
Posthumanist Theory (the present and possible futures), Systems Theory, and Chaos theory, among others. Her work has been presented in various forums, galleries and festivals such as TRANSPIKSEL;
;e-cuerpo International Meeting of WEARABLE Art and Technology ;
International Meeting of Sound Art and Audiovisual Exploration, among others.
The most recent, MITOCONDRIA/Immersion in the Maternal Lineage,
“Mytochondrial Dress: travel stories with my ancestors” piece of bioart,
3D printing, AI and AR ( exhibited at the CNART
and at the Genomic Research Institute. A part of PosthumanArtNetwok as a resident and artist.


Hosting Institution

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creative-europe   intellectbooks   inartsxcenter   go   pixelpoint
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