Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

9-13 September 2025, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

Blurring Boundaries Between Human and Machine Creativity: Can AI-generated images achieve emotional resonance comparable to human-created works?
Event Hours: 12/09/2025 (09:00)
Location: Komuna - Kino Šiška
Laida Limniati, Minas Pergantis, Aristeidis Lamprogeorgos, Andreas Giannakoulopoulos

During the latest years, Artificial Intelligence has evaded many aspects of our everyday life, including the audiovisual and creativity fields as well as advertisement. The way creative industries are choosing to use AI generated content has raised a pivotal question: “Can AI-generated imagery elicit the same sentiment as human-created works?”. This is the topic that this study will attempt to answer by comparing the sentiment of AI-generated advertising to their traditional equivalents using a qualitative analysis of audience perceptions and experiences through their online comments.

By choosing specific advertisements that have created with the use of AI and similar ads that have made through traditional means, we will seek to uncover how viewers perceive the emotional depth and cultural relevance of AI-generated versus human-created visuals. Towards this, we will use their comments and analyze themes such as nostalgia, warmth, and authenticity along with positive or negative sentiment.

While AI-generated text is promised to be able to attain technical brilliance and conceptual originality, it may lack subtleties and intuitive cultural touchpoints that are common in human-crafted works and in this way it can appear as cold or imposing the uncanny valley effect. Furthermore, users might be more biased when they know that the final results was AI generated.

This study contributes to the ongoing and continuing regarding the confluence of technology and art by investigating whether AI has the ability to transcend its technological foundation and form true emotional relationships with viewers. It also analyzes the broader impact of using AI to re-imagine cultural practices in advertising and other creative industries.

Minas Pergantis

Minas Pergantis is a dimplomate of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras. He has multiple years of work experience in the private sector as a Web application programmer and Website developer.

He successfully completed the doctoral program of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University and was awarded a PhD on July of 2023. His dissertation was titled "Art search online: analysis of user behaviour and search technologies"

Ηe is curently an active postdoctoral researcher and a research fellow of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts. His post doctoral research is titled "Evaluation and Optimization of User Experience in Online Digital Art Repositories".


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