We are suggesting a panel to broaden up concepts and practices in Art & Science in a more global and cross-cultural context.
Within the global hackteria network, many activities have been held in Asia, especially in Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan and most recently in Thailand. During the most recent “do-it-with-others” Art & Science open laboratory "เหลู้าบ แลบ - Laab Lu Lao CoLaboratory" held in Chiang Mai in January 2024, we brought together around a dozen of enthusiasts in sharing their skills and practices at the interface of art, science and technology with a local audience. Projects ranged from alternative routes of genetic engineering the human germline and traditional fermentation recipes to collaborative graffiti and other urban interventions.
LLL stands for Laab-Lu-Lao, which directly refers to Laab (Thai minced meat with spice – usually raw), Lu (Meat with raw blood), and Lao (Alcohol).
In this panel we want to discuss how different cultures, religions, artistic disciplines with their own historic traditions and differing world views can contribute to a truly transcendent approach to art / science practices.
We invited our "core team" of LLL to join the panel and discuss with the wider audience of TTT, ideally as many as possible on-site, but some of us will be joining online.
Marc Dusseiller, Switzerland
Bora Hong, South Korea
Jirapat "Bos" Thaweechuen, Thailand
Shih Wei Chieh, Taiwan
Helmi Hardian, Indonesia
Weeratouch "Wave" Pongruengkiat, Thailand
Dr. Marc R. Dusseiller is a transdisciplinary workshopologist, lecturer, cultural facilitator and artist. He performs DIY (do-it-yourself) workshops in lo-fi electronics and synths, open hardware for citizen science, bioart / biohacking and DIY microscopy. He was co-organizing Dock18, diy* festival and poolloop (Zürich, Switzerland), KIBLIX 2011 (Maribor, Slovenia), workshops for artists, schools and children (2008-now) as founding member of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society, SGMK and is the co-founder of the Hackerspace Collective Bitwäscherei (2020). He has worked as guest faculty and mentor at various schools, Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IN), UCSB (USA) and in Switzerland, FHNW, ZhdK, HEAD, HSLU, ETHZ. In collaboration with Kapelica Gallery, he has started the BioTehna Lab in Ljubljana (2012 - 2013), an open platform for interdisciplinary and artistic research on life sciences. Currently, he is developing means to perform bio- and nanotechnology research and dissemination, Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art, in a DIY / DIWO fashion in kitchens, ateliers and in the Majority World. He is part of the Center for Alternative Coconut Research developing low-cost educational open hardware. He was the co-organizer of the different editions of HackteriaLab 2010 - now in Zürich, Romainmotier, Bangalore, Yogyakarta, Klöntal and Okinawa and collaborated on the organisation of the BioFabbing Convergence, 2017, in Geneva, and the Gathering for Open Science Hardware 2016 in Geneva, 2018 in Shenzhen & 2026 in Bali, and organized international residencies and research collaborations in Zürich 2020-2024, Yogyakarta 2019-2023 and Chiang Mai 2024.
Helmi Hardian is a grassroots artist and ghetto scientist, with a specific interest in cooking and smoking at the same time. He lives in Surabaya, the city that is well known for its industry and technology, as well as being the center of electronic component trading (chiefly, Pasar Genteng). Hence, almost all of his works are closely related to science and technology as the medium of creativity. He is the co-founder of Waft Lab, a creative-based initiative that works at interdisciplinary practices. Currently, he focuses on tech development through DIY/DIWO culture and playing his role in researching, hacking, or deconstructing daily materials to provide some devices with new functional aspects, as well as developing workshop kits, lecturing contents, and presentation materials, which aim to learn, share, and exchange knowledge.