Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

9-13 September 2025, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

Swamp_Matter: Exploring Ecological Thresholds through Art, Science, and Speculative Narratives
Event Hours: 10/09/2025 (10:00)
Location: Katedrala - Kino Šiška
Eva Garibaldi, Ana Laura Richter

We will present an artist talk reflecting on three projects produced in the last year: The Stones Only Appear to Be Non-Living (caves), Fantastic Glitch Swamp (swamps), and Salinarum (halobacteria and extremophiles). Our presentation explores the intersection of art and science through the lens of subterranean ecosystems, focusing on caves, swamps, and extremophile habitats. Each project interrogates liminal spaces—ecologically, temporally, and epistemologically—through interdisciplinary methodologies, blending field research, digital technologies, and speculative narratives to reveal the fragile (un)balance deriving from division of human and non-human worlds.

In The Stones Only Appear to Be Non-Living, we examine caves as dynamic, living systems, challenging static perceptions of geological formations. Through 3D scanning and speculative storytelling, we expose the temporal depths of karstic landscapes and the slow violence of anthropogenic impact. Similarly, Fantastic Glitch Swamp uses augmented reality (AR) and speculative narratives to reimagine swamps as vital ecosystems, countering their stigma as stagnant wastelands and positioning them as spaces of resistance through a feminist lens. In Salinarum, we delve into halobacteria as metaphors for resilience in the Anthropocene. Using dissolving salt sculptures and magnified microbial projections, the installation explores the fragility of ecosystems, challenges human-centric perspectives and scales, and questions the illusion of control over natural processes. 

Together, these projects bridge art, science, and speculative storytelling to interrogate ecological thresholds, challenge anthropocentric thought, and inspire new ways of engaging with the natural world. In response to the challenges of the Anthropocene, we emphasize the importance of collective reimagination, proposing social structures that transcend human dominance and incorporate non-human agents into collaborative processes. This approach fosters multispecies resilience, urging us to rethink our relationships with both the environment and each other in an era defined by ecological transgression.

Eva Garibaldi

Eva Garibaldi (b. Ljubljana, 1996) is a Slovenian multidisciplinary artist, designer, and researcher based in The Netherlands. Her practice focuses on dissolving binary understandings of landscapes and bodies through critical ecologies. Her research engages with marginal spaces focusing on swamps as spaces of resistance through a through a glitch feminist lens. She works with the mediums of spatial installation, experimental film, and speculative fiction.

She is a member of CBK Rotterdam and Architectural Humanities Research Association. Her work has been presented in several publications and exhibitions across Europe such as BIO27, Milan, Berlin and Dutch Design Week, Soapbox Journal, Art Rotterdam, Garage Rotterdam and HuidenClub among others. Together with Ana Laura Richter, she is the founder of duo Swamp_Matter. Their work has been supported by Creative Industries Fund NL, Škocjan Caves Public Service Agency, Aksioma U30+, Kino Šiška and P74 Gallery.



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