Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

9-13 September 2025, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

as we synch
Event Hours: 10/09/2025 (11:30)
Location: Komuna - Kino Šiška
Dr. Lea Luka Sikau, Denisa Pubalova

This performance lecture zooms into inter-species communication happening within our collective bodyminds. The focus of our artistic research project ”as we synch“ lies on the vibroacoustic rhythms of fermenting: how we synchronize through processing and becoming processed.

During a year-long residency at LABoral (Studiotopia), we listened to sonified signals and gut sounds in Asturian private kitchens, restaurants and laboratory cultures alike, working out reocurring patterns while guts engage in evolving ferments. We trained ourselves to attune our gastrointestinal tract to the howls, growls and grumbles of local nutraceutical foods. Using LLMs, we decoded patterns of gut sounds to explore ways to "listen to one's gut" and better understand its voice. 

Via the tactility of vibration motors, called actuators, we rehearsed to co-create a multisensory experience that provokes the intestinal rhythms of audiences to synchronize with Asturian microbes.


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