Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

9-13 September 2025, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

Project Transmutations "DNA, Bodies, and Technologies of Transgression: A Critique of Identity Standardization in the Era of Bio-Information"
Event Hours: 11/09/2025 (14:00)
Location: Komuna - Kino Šiška
Maria Jose Rios Araya, Ricardo Vega Mora

The Transmutations project explores the tensions between the standardization of identity and the transgression of biological boundaries through the transcodification of human DNA data into various artistic representations. Inspired by the theories of N. Katherine Hayles, Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, and Matthew Fuller, this project examines how biological data, when translated into media such as textile, visual, and sound, become active agents that generate new forms of subjectivity.

Drawing on Hayles’s concept of the separation between body and information, Transmutations investigates how DNA data, when transcodified, reflect a fluid and mutable identity. Haraway’s notion of the "cyborg," which blurs the line between the natural and the constructed, emerges in this project by integrating biological data with artistic media, dissolving the boundaries between organic and artificial. Braidotti's perspective on the posthuman condition, which expands identity through flows of materiality and knowledge, also informs this work by questioning and transforming the understanding of the body. Fuller’s theory of media ecologies contributes to this exploration by suggesting that the interaction of technological and cultural systems allows for the emergence of unforeseen meanings, thus fostering a new understanding of bio-information within an artistic context.

Positioned at the intersection of bio-information, technology, and art, Transmutations challenge how biological information can either reinforce normative identity categories or create space for identity transgressions and mutations. Through multisensory installations, Transmutations proposes that identity is not a fixed state, but rather a process of continuous reconfiguration where the human and the technological intertwine within an ecology of emerging meanings.



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