Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

9-13 September 2025, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

Event Hours: 12/09/2025 (10:30)
Location: Katedrala - Kino Šiška
Hege Tapio

Presentation of my PhD research connected with the FeLT - Futures of Living Technologies project and the PINS program Innovation for Sustainability at OsloMet, Norway. It will present in short format the research project and its outcome. Exploring the boundaries of the quantifiable, questioning how we may interpret care in future techno-regimes and presenting ethical dubious commodifications of emotions. Interdisciplinary research and Phd contesting existing frameworks to find a space for critical art practice in Norway.

Hege Tapio
Research Fellow - FeLT, Futures of Living Technologies,OsloMet
Curator and Research Fellow
Caring Futures: Developing Care Ethics for Technology-Mediated Care Practices
Stavanger University

Artistic Director and Curator 
i/o/lab - Centre for Futureart
Associate artist 
Metabolic Arts Gathering series
Copenhagen Medical Museion


Hosting Institution

Supported by

creative-europe   intellectbooks   inartsxcenter   go   pixelpoint
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