is an audio-visual conceptual and artistic framework: a glitchy hybrid performance utilising prerecorded and real-time live audio-visual elements and text, forming often frantic and chaotic mesh of data, images and noise. It is sourcing data and transfiguration from media-oversaturation, home-made software, sonic explorations and visual algorithms, hacks, glitchings, and number of thematic interests in the background: slavic-romani myth-futurisms, gender fluidity, imperialism, media theories, praxis and artistic critique of digital capitalism. It’s a digital artistic research on successes and failures of media/gender. How can a gender be seen, used, and/or realized as a medium for nomadic thought, and how is digital media gendered in their appearances and algorithmic backends? Historically gender has been mostly an essentialist bio-embodied static social form. Challenging these perspectives digital landscape, trans-media art theory and practice are juxtaposed with genderqueer, non-binary, pan-sexual gender ambiguity. Fluidity of gender in mainstream discourse and media is usually perceived as a failure, a glitch in the system, while in this project embodied live expression through performance invites new and undiscovered perspectives. /combodagen is a further complication of the conceptual framework (which envelopes ’chapters’) with questions of community, body, and agency in a livecoding audio-visual performance.
Using Haraway’s idea of sympoiesis, or »making with« evokes the roles of self-organized community of autonomous agents in a decentralized and federated network as crucial and vital to »liveness« of livecoding both as an art form and means to negotiate (post)human relationships. To borrow from Rosi Braidotti: »multiple visions of sexuality beyond gender feeding feminist posthuman speculations about possible futures, while being mindful of the force of sexuality as generating a transformative potential that erodes the majoritarian pull of the binary gender system«. Using »virtual sexed technobodies«, an