María Antonia González Valerio is a full-time professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature and of the postgraduate programs in Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Art History and Fine Arts, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). She works within the research line of ontology-aesthetics and the interdisciplinary line of arts, sciences and humanities, specifically in the field of art that uses bio-media.
She is head of the research group Arte+Ciencia, as well as the leader of the research project Complexity and natural philosophy at the intersection of art and science, linked to the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature UNAM. PAPIIT IN403015. She also co-ordinates the artistic collective “BIOS Ex Machina: Workshop for the fabrication of the human and the non-human” which has exhibited in Mexico, Portugal and Belgium.
She is a member of several national and international research groups; has published over fifty articles in magazines and books in Mexico and abroad.
She is the author of Cabe los límites. Escritos sobre filosofía natural desde la ontología estética (2016), Un tratado de ficción (2010) and El arte develado (2005), and the coordinator of collective volumes such as: Sin origen/Sin semilla (2016), Pròs Bíon: Reflexiones naturales sobre arte, ciencia y filosofía (2015), Verdad ficcional no es un oxímoron. Sobre las relaciones peligrosas entre filosofía y literature (2011) and Gadamer y las humanidades I. Ontología, lenguaje y estética (2007). She has also translated works by Nietzsche, Gadamer and Grondin to Spanish.
She has curated Sin origen/Sin semilla, the first transgenic and biotech art exhibition in Mexico; MUAC-MUCA, Roma, November 2012–January 2013, with the support of the UNAM, INBA, CONACULTA, FONCA and Institute of Science and Technology of Mexico City; Bioartefactos: Desgranar lentamente un maíz MACO, Oaxaca, 2014; Estados alterados de conciencia by Enrique Rosas, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, 2014.
She has coordinated and directed several interdisciplinary workshops on art and science: Artistic Investigations into robots and Plants (with Laura Beloff IT University of Copenhagen), Mexico, UNAM, 2015; Antropología del cerdo, Mexico, UNAM, 2015; Vida maquinaria. Limitaciones y transgresiones en la relación arte-vida-sociedad, Mexico, UNAM, 2014; Origin and Limit. Contemporary Art and Life Sciences on the intersection of Art, Technology and Environment (with Marta de Menezes), Cultivamos Cultura, Portugal, 2014.
She is the recipient of the Production and Research Support in Art and Media in 2012 from the Multimedia Center of the CENART; of the Production Stimulus Funding EPRO of the National Institute of Fine Arts with the project Art of the XXI Century; and a of special support from FONCA for the production of the project Sin origen/Sin Semilla, all in 2012. In 2011 she won the National University Distinction for Young Academics in the area of research in humanities.