Submissions must be sent electronically through the EasyChair submissions system for TTT2017 conference.
The working languages of the conference are English and Greek. Proposals are submitted for consideration by the members of the scientific & artistic committee. Each proposal should include:
- an abstract (which should be no more than 500 words),
- presentation title,
- author(s)/artist(s) name(s), affiliation(s),
- e-mail address(es),
- up to 5 keywords, along with a short CV /resume (no more than 150 words),
- type of presentation: paper, poster or artwork presentation,
Proposals for artwork presentations should also include one or more links pointing to documentation material (photos, video, audio, etc.). Links like Dropbox or Google Drive can be used, but links with an expiration date (ex. Wetransfer) are not acceptable. In addition, if the link has a password, it should be included too.
Proposals for poster presentations should also include one link pointing to the a draft poster in pdf format uploaded in a cloud storage service. Links like Dropbox or Google Drive can be used, but links with an expiration date (ex. Wetransfer) are not acceptable. In addition, if the link has a password, it should be included too. Draft poster in PDF: A3 (29,7 × 42 cm) maximum 5 Mb / 200 dpi in CMYK colour mode. Please save the file as surname-name.pdf.
Before the conference date
Once accepted, a draft text of the presentation, and the electronic presentation file will be requested for submission by author(s) and artist(s) before the conference start date. The text, which should be a PDF file with calculated length based on a 20 minutes presentation time, will be handled to the interpreters of the conference and the chair of the session and no formatting template is required. The presentation file (avi, mp3, ppt, pdf, etc.) must be uploaded in a cloud storage service first and the link for download should be included on the PDF bellow the draft text. Links like Dropbox or Google Drive can be used, but links with an expiration date (ex. Wetransfer) are not acceptable. In addition, if the link has a password, it should be included too. Deadline for submitting draft text and presentation file: until April 23, 2017. There will be no shipping for artworks, artists must hand deliver work.
Selected participants in the poster presentation will be asked to submit the original poster in size A0. These participants should bring their print-outs in case of physical presence or send them by post at: Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University, Conference TTT - Category Poster, Tsirigoti Square 7, 49100 Corfu, Greece / Τel.: 26610 87860-1. The deadline for the post stamp is April 23, 2017. Any delay for delivering the posters will cause the withdrawal of participation. Posters that will be delivered by post will remain at the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University.
At the conference
Paper contributions must not exceed a 20 minutes presentation time, allowing another 10 minutes for further discussion. Facilities include typical audiovisual equipment for electronic presentations (PC, video projector and stereo speakers).
Selected artists and posters' authors will have their artwork and posters exhibited in a designated area close to the conference hall. All artists and posters' authors are encouraged to attend the conference and make a brief presentation at the conference's premises.
After the conference
Concerning the conference proceedings, we are pleased to announce that, besides the publication form already announced in digital format (e-Book) with ISBN number by the Dept. of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University, a selected number of papers will be published at the Technoetic Arts journal. We are very thankful to Roy Ascott and Intellect publishers for this opportunity.
If you wish to send your paper for publication at the Technoetic Arts journal you will have to email your text to until July 1st. Only texts in English will be considered for publication and all authors are requested to carefully read and follow the Intellect Books Style Guide at:
If you wish to send your paper for publication in digital format (e-Book) with ISBN number by the Dept. of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University you will have to email your text to until September 1st, 2017 September 30th, 2017. Texts for this publication are accepted in both English and Greek language. You can check the proceedings for 2016 at:
Finally, in both cases, we would like to underline that each paper sent for publication as Proceedings of the Conference "Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2017" should preferably be from 2.000 to 4.000 words and follow the Harvard referencing system.