Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

26-28 May 2017, Ionian University, Corfu Greece

TTT 2017

The conference continues to focus: a) on questions about the nature of the forbidden and about the aesthetics of liminality - as expressed in art that uses or is inspired by technology and science, b) in the opening of spaces for creative transformation in the merging of science and art. This year's conference is dedicated to all those who keep pushing the limits further than the next gadget and understand the essential role of fantasy when synchronized with reality. One step further, one more time, knowing that the truly opening dimension might be towards the voyaging of consciousness.


Rewilding Cultures Mobility Conversation 2024 selections made
Posted: 04-06-2024 10:24
We want to thank everyone who applied for the Rewilding Cultures Mobility Conversation 2024. We received over 100 applications and the Rewilding Cultures partner associations have now gone through all of the applications. Each partner association selected their own candidate, which means we were able to issue grants for 8 applicants. In the end, Rob la Frenais (Cultivamos Cultura), Višnja Kisić and Goran Tomka (Bioart Society), Miranda Moss (Schmiede Hallein), Björn Kröger (Radiona), Maryia Kamarova (ART2M / Makery), Alqumit Alhamad (Culture Yard), Johanna Ruotsalainen (Projekt Atol), and Ghazal Ramzani (Ionian University) were selected to receive a grant for their project.


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Submissions must be sent electronically through the EasyChair submissions system for TTT2017 conference. The working languages of the conference are English and Greek. Proposals are submitted for consideration by the members of the scientific & artistic committee.



The schedule of TTT 2017, Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science 2017, Corfu, Greece, 26-28 May 2017.

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