Kathy High (USA) is an interdisciplinary artist, educator working with technology, art and biology. In her work, she considers living systems, empathy, animal sentience, and the social, political and ethical dilemmas of biotechnology and surrounding industries. She has received awards including Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and National Endowment for the Arts. Her art works have been shown at documenta 13 (Germany), Guggenheim Museum, Museum of Modern Art (NYC), Art/Sci UCLA (Los Angeles), Science Gallery, (Dublin), NGBK, (Berlin), Fesitval Transitio_MX (Mexico), MASS MoCA (North Adams), Para-site (Hong Kong). She has had artist residencies with SymbioticA at the University of Western Australia (2009-10), with Finnish Society of Bioart Field Notes/Deep Time/Journey to the Post-Anthropognic at the Kilpsjarvi Biological Research Station (2013), with Coalesce Biological Laboratory Center at University of Buffalo and Imagin-omics Residency with the DePaolo Lab, USC (2016). High is Professor in the Arts, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.