Date & Time: Opening 18/05/2016 19:00 & 19-23/05/2016 10:00-16:00
Location: Municipal Gallery
An exhibition with audiovisual material and documents from the recent project of the famous Cypriot-Australian artist Stelarc, begins on May 18th, 2016 at the Municipal Gallery of Corfu (Old Town). The exhibition takes place within the activities of the 10th annual Audiovisual Arts Festival organized by Ionian University (May 17th – 22nd, 2016) and will remain open to the public until May 23rd.
Videos from its latest project of the period 2013-2015 will be presented, related to the investigation of the real/virtual interfaces, at the conjunction of the body, the computer and the machine: he connects his body to the Internet and creates interactive audiovisual “choreographies” both in Second Life, using avatars, and in mixed reality, sometimes through artificial intelligence, sometimes through the “noise” of Internet. Always following the direction of his research about “alternate body architecture”, he enhances the body with interactive robotic prosthetics, with the performance “Propel-Body on Robot Arm” (2015) being the most recent. During the exhibition there will also be shown a revealing video of second surgery of the “Ear on Arm” implant on his left arm, from the performance “Ear on Arm Suspension” in 2012 and for the 3D draft of his next project “Microbot”. Curator of this exhibition is the art historian Anna Hatziyiannaki.
Besides his keynote speech at the Conference, Stelarc will also present a workshop entitled “Extreme Bodies – Sumo, Butoh and Performance Art” on May 19th (see programme of the festival http://avarts.ionio.gr/festival/2016/en/workshops/). About the topic of his keynote speech at the conference “Zombies, Cyborgs & Chimeras: Creepy, Uncanny & Contestable Bodies”, see http://avarts.ionio.gr/festival/2016/gr/conference/speakers/stelarc.
Stelarc is a performance artist and Distinguished Research Professor at the School of Design and Art, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
Photo credits:
Photographer of Propel performance - Jeremy Tweddle
Photographer of Ear On Arm Suspension - Polixeni Papapetrou .