Abstract submission
Proposals are submitted for consideration by the members of the scientific & artistic committee. Each proposal should include an abstract (which should be no more than 500 words), presentation title, author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es) and up to 5 keywords. Submissions must be sent electronically through easychair: avfest2016. The working languages of the conference are Greek and English.
Information for presenters
Once accepted, a draft presentation, a short cv (resume) and the electronic presentation file will be requested for submission by author(s) before the conference start date. Contributions must not exceed a 20 minutes presentation time, allowing another 10 minutes for further discussion. Facilities include typical audiovisual equipment for electronic presentations (PC, video projector and stereo speakers). The conference proceedings will be published in digital format (e-Book) with ISBN number. Paper formatting instructions are included in the files bellow.
Please check Dates & Locations.