Eleni Kolliopoulou

Title: Enacting multi-sensory embodiment: exploring the deepening of subjective time embodiment in mixed media performative art praxis via the lens of Butoh notation
Position: Post Ph.D
Email: ekolliopoulou@ionio.gr
WWW: http://www.elenivisualart.eu

Kolliopoulou Eleni


Supervisor: Associate Professor Dalila Honorato

(starting 2020)


The project proposal suggests an experiential interdisciplinary exploration of the intersection between visual art (Installation art) and performative art (Butoh). The research has a strong inter-cultural imprint with regards to Japanese phenomenological approach upon the embodied experience of time-space and its creative adaptation in contemporary artistic practices that will be staged in Europe. This project will unfold around the axis of a) a visiting fellowship at Keio University Art Center (JP) in order to analyse and elaborate Tatsumi Hijikata's Archive of Butoh-fu scrapbooks and b) Butoh dance training offered by Tadashi Endo at the Goettingen Butoh centre Mamu (DE), Moeno Wakamatsu at Maison du Butoh Blanc (FR) and SU-EN Butoh company (SE). The aim is to advance our knowledge of notions of temporality and performativity in hybrid performative practices using the concept of qualia deriving from Butoh-fu (Butoh notation) as lens: Butoh-fu is an articulation of qualia image-worlds which resonates with the notion of 'Atmospheric Perception' (Griffero, 2014). Butoh-fu has been delivered by Hijikata via visual (collage) and poetic language and is gathered in his scrapbooks.

The focus is on the politics of time in neo-liberal societies (Han, 2015) having as a starting point Han's discussion upon the 'fleeting, hyperactive and hyper-neurotic" (Ibid) modalities of consuming time in our everydayness. Relevant philosophical concepts with regards to time and body perception (Heidegger, Foucault, Bergson) will be teased out adopting a cyclical theory-practice methodology. Interdisciplinary artists as Lygia Clark, Trisha Brown and Yvonne Rainer, deeply impregnated by Relational Aesthetics (Bourriaud 2002) as well as Post-dance practitioners and theoreticiansAndre Lepecki's (2004) position is particularly relevant to the project. This research wishes to offer challenge to the above-mentioned dysfunctional model of consuming time and inhabiting space in our function-oriented societies by artworks that favour the 'art of lingering': a richer, multi-layered, and subjective experience via a series of performative experiments that will be subsequently discussed (articles) and articulated as a transferable dramaturgical system (model).

Eleni Kolliopoulou (PhD) holds a BA degree from Methodology, History and Theory of Sciences by National Kapodistrian University of Athens (NUAK, 1999-2004 ) and a BA in Fine arts (laboratory of Radu Dragomirescu) from Accademia Albertina delle Belle arti a Torino, Italy (2008-2011) where she also accomplished her MA specializing in Painting and New Media (laboratory of  Marco Cingolani, 2011–2013). During her MA she was in Erasmus exchange in Medienkunst Department of Burg Giebichenstein under the supervision of Miss Michaela Schweiger, in Halle an der Saale, Germany.

She has pursued her doctoral research hosted by the Departments of Arts and Design & Drama του Ulster University in Northern Ireland. Her PhD thesis was entitled: “The body of the relationship. A practice-based exploration of the relationship between the body and its environment informed by the notion of Butoh-body” (2016-2020) under the supervision of Ralf Sander, Giuliano Campo και Tanya Dean funded by Vice-Chancellor Scholarship (2016-2019).

She received Erasmus + funding for her job placement at the National College of Art and Design in Dublin (NCAD), Ireland (2019-2020). At NCAD she was the teaching assistant of Brian Hand at the Department of Sculpture and expanded practice. Eleni shadowed Brian in his teaching of Introduction to Sculpture, Curation of contemporary art exhibitions, Socially engaged artistic practices. Eleni has been and adjunct lecturer at the University of Peloponnese (2021/2022) teaching Introduction to Performance studies, Performance art I and New media in Performing arts with emphasis in Video art and Performance art.

She is a member of the following professional bodies: Greek Chamber of the Arts (2014), Arts organization/ Performance art collective Bbeyond based in Northern Ireland (2017), Dance and Theater Northern Ireland (2017). Her research interests are Performance art, Butoh dance, Site-specific installations/ Sound art, Video art, Participatory art, Philosophy of the body, Japanese Phenomenology and Theories of time/ space. She is currently pursuing her postdoctoral research hosted by Audio Visual arts Department at Ionian University under the topic: “Enacting multi-sensory embodiment: exploring the deepening of subjective embodiment of time in mixed media performative art praxis via the lens of Butoh notation’’ under the supervision of Dalila Honorato and funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I, 2022-2024). 


As an author:

Kolliopoulou, E. (2024) Defining Peripeteia. The theoretical disentanglement of mobius strip, Nordicum Mediteranneum, Volume 19, no 2. (double blind peer review) https://doi.org/10.33112/nm.19.2.3

Editorial Performance Research 2023-05-19 | Journal article, by Sozita Goudouna; Eleni Kolliopoulou; Eero Laine; Rumen Rachev, DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2023.2303703

‘ΚΥΤΤΑΡΟ: a performative experiment’ (article published online as part of the proceedings of the Connective Symposium (2022) organized by Fontys Fine arts and performing arts school, Tilburg, NL https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/1953710/1953826/1/1?c=5     

Kolliopoulou, E. (2023) After the empty space: from traditional settings to new creative ecologies, Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 14:4, 564-566, DOI: 10.1080/19443927.2023.2275925
Kolliopoulou, E. (2023). Enacting peripeteia in Möbius Strip: Adapting Butoh principles in mixed-media performance. Choreographic Practices14(1), 27-49.

Kolliopoulou, Eleni (2021) ‘Body, Literature and Theatre. Transdisciplinary and scenological studies of contemporary theatre’ (2022), Berlin: Peter Lang (Peer reviewed essay entitled Waste-is-land: Arguing about the centrality of the body in performative installations. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference “Theatricality Antitheatricality”,University of Bielsko Biala, Poland.

Kolliopoulou, Eleni (2020) “The bond between Live Art actions and a deeply mediatized culture”, article, Intersections: Postgraduate Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 1:2, Ulster University, UK: Belfast (σσ. 32-35).

Kolliopoulou, Eleni (2019) “Seabed, performative installation”, peer reviewed essay, Johannes Birringer & Josephine Fenger (eds), Tanz der Dinge/ Things that dance, Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag (σσ. 53-59).

Kolliopoulou, Eleni (2019) “The body of the relationship. A practice-based exploration based on the notion of the Butoh body”, article at Intersections: Postgraduate Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Ulster University, UK: Belfast.

As a reviewer:

PERFORMANCE RESEARCH Journal (2023) Issue on the Mundane Vol28 No3, Editorial Panel Eero Laine,

Sozita Goudouna, Rumen Rachev, Kristen Lewis, Eleni Kolliopoulou

TECHNOETHICS Journal (2022) Social-Media Storytelling as an Art of Risk and Leisure: Queer Selfies, Facebook Exposure and the Montage of Precarious Labour

TECHNOETHICS Journal (2022) Data-Incarnations: Nesting Complex Learned Behaviours

ATINER Journal (2021) Humanities and Arts Paper Body lands: Image Performativity in Object and Shadow


As a researcher (practice-based):

Kolliopoulou, E. 2024 ''Rock, Paper, Scissors'', workshop-based presentation, NSU Summer University, Logumkloster, Denmark
Kolliopoulou, E. 2024 ‘‘Inhabiting time/ Rock, Paper, Scissors’’, workshop-based παρουσίαση, PSi#23 ASSEMBLE, Royal School of Speech and Drama, London, UK
Kolliopoulou, E. 2024 ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’, workshop-based presentation, “Subject/ Object/ Practice/ Place. Connecting creatively through the performing arts”, hybrid conference, School of Performing arts, University of Malta, MT

Kolliopoulou, E. (2023) “Möbius strip” mixed-media performance (post-doctoral artistic research project), AVARTS Ionian University, 17/03, Polytechno, Corfù, GR.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “Reimagining Intimacy: Immersive and Participatory Performance in the Era of Covid-19” [online presentation], School of Creative and Performing Arts, 14 – 17/12, University of Calgary, Alberta, CA.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “Connective Symposium”, workshop-based presentation, Fontys Fine arts and performing arts school, 17-19/11 Tilburg, NL.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “Sentient Performativities”, online presentation at the symposium (hybrid), Dartington Hall, 26-29/06 sw UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “Performance”, online presentation at the conference, Univ. of Patras, 1-2/04, GR.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “FLOW, embody in site” online presentation at the symposium (hybrid) Out of site, Chicago, 2-19/06, US.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2021) “Perform/Respond/Extend” PSi, online participation to the Artistic research working group, 7-9/07, CA.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2021) “Performing agora”, online presentation at the International online symposium Centre for Interdisciplinary Performative Arts 23-24-06, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, UK, the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of the Peloponnese, GR, and the Department of Arts and Design at Staffordshire University, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2021) “Digital culture and audiovisual challenge”, online presentation at the conference, 28-29/05, Avarts Ionian University, GR.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2021) “Enabling presence”, online workshop-based presentation at Dis-symposium: Performing Heterotopia, 17/03, Nordic University, DK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2020) “Theatricality-Antitheatricality” 2nd International Conference (online presentation, 16-18/12, Univ. of Bielsko Biala, PL.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2019) “On elasticity”, Psi 2019 Performance studies international, workshop-based presentation at the Univ. of Calgary, CA.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2019) “Sharing space”, Queens university Drama dpt, workshop-based presentation at the conference, 20/06, Belfast, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2019) “Immersion, inclusiveness, embodiment”, presentation, TaPRA interim event, 6/04 Cardiff, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2019) “Performance and protest” Conference, 10/01, presentation, Ulster University, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2019) “Sky-field 2”, performative installation (artistic research project of PhD), 1/02, Ulster University, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2018) “Sky-field 1”, audio-visual participatory performative installation (artistic research project of PhD), 27/09, Pollen Studios, Belfast, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2018) “Seabed”, audio performative installation (artistic research project of PhD), 23-29/03, Ulster University, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2018) “Waste-is-land”, audio participatory performative installation (artistic research project of PhD), 23-30/04, Ulster University, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2018) “ISSTA 2018”, Irish Sound Science Technology Assoc., artistic presentation at conference, 9-10/11 Derry, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2018) “Things that dance”, presentation at Symposium German Dance Forum, 5-7/11, Karlsruhe, DE.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2017) “Research in real time”, presentation at PaR Conference, Drama dpt, 05/05, NUI Galway, IE.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2016) “ENGAGEMENT”, online presentation at the Symposium on Philosophy and dance, Texas University, 8-10/09, TX.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2015) “DARE 2015”, presentation at the Conference of Artistic Research on Deleuze, 9-11 November, Ghent, BE.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2015) “Foucault, Theatre, Performance”, online presentation at the Symposium, Theatre, Performance and Philosophy group (TaPRA), King’s College, July, London, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2013) “Psi, #19 Now Then: Performance & Temporality”, participation with video performance Kolaps (2012), 26-30/06, Stanford, US.


As an artist:

Kolliopoulou, E. 2024 ‘AIΜΟΠΕΤΑΛΙΑ/ PLATELETS’, 24/04, mixed-media performance, Central Public Library Corfu, AVARTS, Ionian University, GR
Kolliopoulou, E. 2024 ‘‘Resonances’’, participatory artwork at Audio Visual arts Festival, Corfu, GR
Kolliopoulou, E. 2024 ‘‘Inhabiting time’’, participatory artwork at Imagine Festival, Belfast, UK
Kolliopoulou, E. 2024 video art ‘Carpe diem 2’, “Pure Identities’’, Social art Festival,  Thessaloniki, GR

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “Ordinary People’’ video+ performance (duet), 18/09, Ον off studio, Athens, GR.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “Luna Park: a social choreography” Participatory art, Eco Art Festival, IMMA, Dublin, 22/10, ROI.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “Luna Park: what is democracy?” Group show, FokiaNou art space, 18/06 Athens, GR.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “Myselves” Latitudes Hybridas, Festival of Performance art (online), BO.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) “Blind time action”, Utopia open stage, Athens, GR.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2021) “Transitstation Voice 3 Manoeuvre”, online performance, DE.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2020) “BIFPA 2020” Belfast International Festival of Performance art, solo performance, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2020) “On the way…” Performance art festival, solo performance, Bbeyond, Newry, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2020) “Sounding out” Performance art festival, solo performance, Northern lights project, Derry, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2019) “FIX 2019” Biennial of Performance art, Catalyst arts, video performance-off screenings, Belfast, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2019) “Among the trees” Performance Art Bergen, group performance, 24-25/08, Bergen, NO.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2018) “About time”, Bbeyond group performance, Warwick art center, Warwick University, UK.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2017) “Japanese garden”, solo performance, FIX 2017: Performance biennial, Arts Catalyst, Belfast, UK.

As a performer:

Kolliopoulou, E. (2008-2010) “A-lethia”, Group performances υπό τη σκηνοθεσία των: Stefania lo Maglio και Claudio Conti, “Associazione 32dicembre”, Doriana Crema, Stalker Theater, Manuela Macco, Τορίνο, IT.

As a curator:

Kolliopoulou, E. (2023) Curation of two Performance artists from Northern Ireland in Residency 1927 Artspace, Κυψέλη, Αθήνα. https://bbeyond.live/bbeyondgreekresidency/ (private funder)

Kolliopoulou, E. (2021) Curation of online workshop on Psychogeography ‘Coming out for air’ with guest instructor the choreographer Frank Van de Ven. https://bbeyond.live/coming-out-for-air-frank-van-de-ven/  

As a film director:

Kolliopoulou, E. (2022) ‘Carpe diem’ short film (experimental) that accompanied the live performance ‘Ordinary People’ 18/09, Ον off studio, Athens, GR

Kolliopoulou, E. (2023) ‘Carpe diem 2’ short film (experimental) that accompanied the live performance ‘Möbius strip’, 17/03, Polytechno, Corfù, GR.

Kolliopoulou, E. (2021) ‘Escape’ short film (experimental) in collaboration with the composers Bill Campbel and Stephen Gardner, commissioned Arts Council of Northern Ireland (Stability & Renewal Fund, 2020-2021), which received special recognition as Best Music Video in Los Angeles Independent Short Film Festival.

Updated: 19-07-2024

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