Dimitra Papachristou

Title: Aesthetics of technological arts through 'Capitalism and Schizophrenia" vol. I & II of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Position: Ph.D
Email: dimitra.papachristou@etud.univ-paris8.fr

Papachristou Dimitra


Supervising Committee:
Supervisor: Ioannis Zannos
Members: Makis Solomos, Peter Nelson

Proclamation date: 2020


The title of my doctoral thesis is Aesthetics of new technological Arts through "Capitalism and Schizophrenia" I & II of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. This work consists of two books, the Anti-Oedipus (1972) and Mille Plateaux (1980). Deleuze and Guattari invent and discuss notions and their relations to various fields, as well as the very nature of these relations. Through field research, participant observation and literature study I attempt to clarify the terms of Deleuze and Guattari and their place in the field of Aesthetics. Furthermore, I investigate the need of contemporary artists to use Deleuze and Guattari's notions by including them in their practice. Finally, I dissect contemporary art forms, as well as the theoretical influence of postmodern philosophy, both of Deleuze and Guattari and the wider literature production. My research fields are: walking sound installations with mobile phones, internet/ web art, overidentification and subversion art, hacking art, bioart, interactive installations, dislocation as art, virtual reality, etc.


Publications - Conferences

“noTours: Μουσική που περπατιέται” - 3ο Acoustic Ecology Conference - Old University, Athens - 28-30/06/2014

“Locative media sound walks: Connecting Nomadism with Contemporary Geolocated Flânerie and Open Source Practices” - International conference on Deleuze and artistic research - Orpheus Institute , Ghent - 9-11/11/2015

“Locative media sound walks: a rhizomatic approach to urban public space sound art” - International conference on Deleuze and Guattari: Refrains of freedom - Panteion University Athens - 24-26/4/2015

“Locative media” - Hybrid City - Media Studies dept, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - 17-19/9/2015

“Deleuze & Guattari - Η λειτουργία του θορύβου στον απαλό και γραμμωτό χώρο και χρόνο και η σχέση του με τα φυσικά και συντεθειμένα ηχοτοπία” - 4ο Acoustic Ecology Conference, Aegean University - 3-6/11/2016

Other works

Translation Lionel Obadia, L' anthropologie des religion, Editions La Decouverte, 2007

Artistic - creative work

Member of the Akooo collective since 2014 (https://akooocollective.wordpress.com/)

Participation in the project Einander Zuhoren - Stadt (Ge) -Schichten, Goethe Insitut, 2014. Organization and participation in the Einander Zuhoren - Stadt (Ge) -Schichten exhibition, Goethe Insitut, Athens, 2014 (parallel event at the ISMC-SMC 2014).

Participation in Athens Science Festival 2015 and talk "Audio maps", 2015.

Workshop organization and audiowalk at metamatic: taf, "Resounding Cities" in collaboration with the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Lisbon and the Arts RITS Brussels (curated by METASITU, Welcome to Ecumenopolis), 2015.

"Dwelling stories", audiowalk for the conference dedicated to Italo Calvino, Italian Institute, Athens, (curated by, organized by: Maria Vassiliou, Maria Saridakis), 2015.

Analogio, Audiowalk, "May the journey be a long one," Greek Film Archive, Exarchia Square, Art Theatre, 2015.

"Cracks on the soundwalk", Audiowalk, for the DARE conference - Deleuze and Artistic Research, Ghent, Belgium, 2015.

Composition, Utopia, Cities and Memory, online collective work on the project Utopia of Thomas More, 2015.

"The Inaudible, impossible soundwalk", audiowalk, workshop, University of Edinburgh, for the Innovative Learning Week (curated by Katerina Taliani) and Urban Emptiness project (curated by Stella Mygdalis and Christos Kakalis), Edinburgh, 2016.

Participation in the Art Fair Art Athina 2015 and 2016.

"The Sound of Kythera", composition, workshop (curated by, organized by: Dionysis Anemogiannis), Kythira, 2016.

Curatorial work of the exhibition "With your consent", metamatic: taf, 2016. Creation of interactive sound installation for the space of the gallery and workshop of DIY microphones, 2016.

Participation in the festival "Sound Acts 2016" in Athens Museum Queer Arts (AMOQA), audiowalk and workshop, Athens, 2016.

Music Composition for Navire dance performance, choreography Irini Adamou, Theatre Studio Mavromichali, 2016.

Music Composition for the show "Marc Blitzstein" from the Rafi team, Theatre Porta and Cacoyannis Foundation, 2016.

Participation in the conference-festival "No Future- Performance Biennial", Audiowalk, Workshop, Green Park, 2016.

Participation in exhibition "OUT-Topias - Performance and Outdoor / Public Space".
Audiowalk "Tangent Plane" in collaboration with Sonic Planet of Sinan Bokesoy.
Workshop and Audiowalk in collaboration with Parsons New School - New York (Lydia Matthews) and the Drama School of the Athens Conservatory (Adonis Volanakis).
Lecture Performance - Threads.
Curated by Thanos Vovolis, Benaki Museum, Piraeus, 2016.

Audiowalk and workshop for the Caravan Project- Metaxourgio "Sound Stories from Metaxourgeio", Yurt of the Caravan Project, Metaxourgeio, 2016.

Soundwalk for the project "I left my senses in Ioannou Drosopoulou" of Jan Uprichard, Snehta, 2016.

Workshop, Audiowalk in Athens Museum Queer Arts (AMOQA) as part of Queer Ink, 2017.

Participation in Verba Time album Tango with Lions - 2012.

DJ (Dana), 1999-present.

Updated: 28-04-2016

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