
Summary of the 2016-2017 Curriculum

For the academic year 2016-2017 only field A' "Creation and Communication in Audiovisual Arts" will be taught. The curriculum includes the compulsory attendance of five (5) courses: one (1) Compulsory (ΥΚ), one (1) Compulsory of Field (ΥΚΑ) and three (3) Compulsory Optional, one of which must be of type ΥΕΒ.
1st semester
YK.1 Research Methodologies [6 ECTS]
YKA.1 Script Writing and Visualization [6 ECTS]
2 from 3
YEA.1 Video Art [6 ECTS]
YEA.2 Animated Graphics and Digital Illustration [6 ECTS]
YEA.3 Internet Applications [6 ECTS]
1 from 2
YEB.2 Digital Multimedia Content Design and Development [6 ECTS]
YEB.3 Interaction using Physical Computing Interfaces [6 ECTS]
2nd semester
YK.2 Semiotic Analysis of New Media [6 ECTS]
YKA.2 Digital Art and Public Space [6 ECTS]
2 from 3
YEA.4 Interactive Installations [6 ECTS]
YEA.5 Sound Art [6 ECTS]
YEA.6 Three-Dimensional Design and Mapping Projection [6 ECTS]
1 from 2
YEB.4 Audiovisual Systems for Alternative Reality [6 ECTS]
YEB.5 Artificial Intelligence in Practice [6 ECTS]
3rd semester
Thesis [30 ECTS]

YK: Compulsory
YKA: Compulsory of Field
YEA: Compulsory Optional of Field A
YEB:Compulsory Optional of Field B

Implementation regulations:
Version 2 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ