Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

27-29 September 2023, Malta Society of Arts, Valletta

Vibrating Earth
Tania Tsiridou, Thanasis Mamatsis, Vasilis Agiomyrgianakis

A video presentation of an immersive art installation based on seismic data, as an attempt to turn into a visual and audible experience the data that represent the complexity of the Earth’s processes

Tania Tsiridou: Concept, video, project’s Coordinator,
Thanasis Mamatsis: (Programmer) Video Processing, Programming, Data Visualization,
Vasilis Agiomyrgianakis: Data Sonification

Curated by Hub of Art Laboratories (Greece)

Tania Tsiridou

Experienced in multimedia productions and hybrid arts projects, Tania Tsiridou, PhD, was a member of the Organizing Committee of the conference TTT2017 Corfu, as well as the exhibition designer of "Stelarc Alternate Anatomies" (TTT2016) and "Body Esc" (TTT2017). She is a Specialised Teaching Staff in Interactive & Audiovisual Arts at the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University where she is one of the founding members of InArts Lab, Tania Tsiridou has been since a member of the curatorial team coordinating AV-School: Workshops & Seminars Cycle of the Audiovisual Arts Festival for 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Thanasis Mamatsis

Thanasis Mamatsis is a PhD candidate in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He received his M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the aforementioned University. Since 2022, he has won a grant from the Research Committee of NTUA for the support of his PhD. During the present year, he has assisted in the project “HAL” of Ionian University, in the hub run by Tania Tsirigou. He has six publications in International Journals with Impact Factor and three presentations at International Conferences. His professional interests include Renewable Energy Systems, Electrical and Computer Engineering and he was responsible for the construction of more than ten photovoltaic power plants. His research interests are mainly in the fields of Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Writer Identification, Archaeometry and Scientific Computing.

Vasilis Agiomyrgianakis
Vasilis Agiomyrgianakis is an audiovisual artist, composer and researcher. In 2016 he completed his PhD at the University of Huddersfield in programming languages for interactive audiovisual arts and computer music. He is experienced in live coding for audiovisual performances as well as in the development of microcomputer sensor systems for artistic and academic purposes. He teaches Computer Sound Design at the Department of Photography and Audiovisual Arts - University of West Attica (Greece), he is a postdoctoral researcher at HAL (Hub of Art Laboratories), at the Department of Audio and Visual Arts - Ionian University (Greece) and a visitor researcher at Hokkaido Information University (Japan). He has published papers, music and participated with his works in various conferences and festivals in Europe and Japan.


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creative-europe   intellectbooks   inarts
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