Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

27-29 September 2023, Malta Society of Arts, Valletta

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Rewilding Cultures?
Event Hours: 28/09/2023 (17:45)
Location: Concert Hall [H]
Keywords: rewilding, feral labs, creative europe

Rewilding Cultures is an international network of hybrid-format events for research and co-creation in the field of art, technology and communities. It is a partnership of organisations from eight EU countries, who share their common interests in art-science and art-technology research. The events they organise are called Feral Labs. These are set in (relatively) remote environments, away from the usual urban set-up of contemporary creative hubs, which enables participants to focus on process-based activities like peer learning, field work, research and co-creation, instead on presentation of finished artworks. The residency programmes form another important backbone of the project and offer developmental, as well as community and research-oriented work. The panellists are Rewilding Cultures consortium members and will discuss the pros and cons of setting their events without focusing on the end products, finished shows and sometimes completely away from the public eye. They will also touch upon different ways of (self-)organisation of the content of their Feral Labs, their ways of selection of participants and ways of combining theory and practice and different ways of using Artist Residencies programme to augment their Feral Labs. They will also try to reconcile the paradox of perceiving themselves as an inclusive environment when the format relies on creating a (temporary) social bubble. And how to be green if international mobility of people remains at the core of the project and when so much waste is generated with all this research, learning, rapid prototyping and constant generation of artefacts? Best questions and answers from the public could get their foot into the door of the consortium’s next mobility micro-grant.


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creative-europe   intellectbooks   inarts
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