Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

27-29 September 2023, Malta Society of Arts, Valletta

Corpses-cyborgs : Cartographies of interspecies relations in industrial ruins.
Event Hours: 29/09/2023 (14:15)
Location: Concert Hall [H]
Cecilia Moreno, Andrea Jert
Keywords: cyborgs, ruins, postindustrial, collaborate, symbiosis

Research-creation project in development in which we propose to give relevance to knowledge about interspecies relations present in industrial ruins, designating them as corpses-cyborgs. For this project, corpse-cyborgs are alliances in which different biotic and abiotic existences are linked in and with the ruins, overcoming the dichotomies living/dead, inhabited/abandoned, living/inert in a relational fabric open to new occupations and contingent or permanent couplings.
Thus, a segestriidae spider makes of a crack its shelter, a disused metal structure can be decorated by climbing ivy and accompanied by migratory birds that take refuge in the southern summers, and a shed abandoned by industrial work can be the stage for a post-punk band that escapes from capitalist normativity in moments of leisure, encounters or organization.
We inquire into these existences, because we understand them as bio-dissidences towards the Capitalocene, we identify in the rare kinships that coexist in the industrial ruins, existences that dissent from competition, productivism or
extractivism. Moreover, we observe in the corpses-cyborgs a hybridity that defies ontological purities, transgressing boundaries that allow us to observe and imagine lives that can be lived by those whom rigid categories have placed on the
margins. Thus, from care, feminist and decolonial epistemic resistances to devastation, we have proposed to investigate these relational existences in order to imagine alternative forms for life and death in common.
So far the proposal was shared at the Simbiosio (sic) Trama Mutua in June 2022 and was part of the artistic residency Cuerpos, Territorios y Disidencias maquínicas, by the collective Toda la Teoría del Universo (TTU), developed in Lota, Región del Biobío, Chile in October and November 2022. In Lota, a territory devastated by the extractivism of coal and the forestry industry, we were able to put into practice a methodology of continuous immersion with an interdisciplinary perspective within the ruins of Empresa Nacional del Carbón (ENACAR), which included community mapping and the development of different experimental methodologies of visual, audiovisual and graphic recording. The residency culminated with the creation of a collaborative map that brings together the different corpses-cyborgs observed in the
ruins of ENACAR either by us, by those who attended the mapping or by those who continue to inhabit the space. We hope to continue this project based on the material developed in ENACAR, as well as in the investigation of other ruins.

Cecilia Moreno

PHD © in Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies and Politics at the University of Barcelona and Master in Social Sciences, mention in Sociology, University of Chile. Activist transfeminist, social scientist and interdisciplinary researcher. Asociated professor at the Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (Chile) teaching gender and interculturality and cinema and feminist studies. 

Has been co-created and participated in audiovisual projects that, from a feminist epistemology, develop research on feminisms and memory. She has researched on repertoires of feminist collective action, care, bodies and activisms of the Global South and critical epistemological proposals to western modernity.
Currently co-creating and researching in "Biodisidencias: cádaveres cyborgs para la supervivencia terrenal", interdisciplinary project about biodissidences, aliances interespecies that collaborate to earthly survivence. 

Areas of interest: critical epistemologies, activisms, care, feminist methodologies and technologies.

Andrea Jert

BA in Art (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Professor of Visual Arts (Universidad Alberto Hurtado) and MA in Latin American Art, Thought and Culture (IDEA; Universidad de Santiago de Chile). Visual artist, teacher and researcher of the arts. She has investigated, from different approaches, about situated corporealities, territories and the city as a common body. She is also interested in the methodologies of creation and epistemologies in the arts. 

Currently is co-creating and researching in the pryect "Esporas, derivas artísticas vinculantes", interdisciplinary project about fungal escenic creation methodologies, and in the interdisciplinary project "Biodisidencias: cádaveres cyborgs para la supervivencia terrenal", about biodissidences, aliances interespecies that collaborate to earthly survivence.


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