Dr Hari Marini is a performance maker, researcher, educator, and founding member of PartSuspended artist collective. She is Associate Professor of Performance and Intermediality within the Department of Audio and Visual Arts at Ionian University, and Artistic Director of PartSuspended artist collective who fosters performances, live art, installations, writing and collaborations with artists from a variety of disciplines. Her research focuses on social and material contexts and conditions of performance and their social and political effects. Hari’s research outputs have been published in leading academic journals, such as Contemporary Theatre Review, Performance Research, Journal of Greek Media and Culture, and in the edited book Dramatic Architectures: Theatre and Performing Arts in Motion (CEAA/ESAP). Hari’s artistic practice, writing and practice-based research focus on poetics of spaces, performative architecture and women’s writing. Through her work with PartSuspended, she expands her practice-based methodologies, advancing the interdisciplinary approach to her work. She has established collaborations with sociologists, architects, dancers, visual artists, photographers and writers. Her artistic work has been presented to a variety of venues and festivals in the UK, Spain, Greece, Serbia, Czech Republic. Her creative writing and video-work have been published to journals and poetry collections such as Tears in the Fence, Interim: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics, performing borders, and her bilingual book (Greek-English) entitled 28 Διαδρομές της/28 Paths of Her was published by AΚΑΚΙΑ Publications (https://akakia.net/en/shop/28-diadromes-ths-28-paths-of-her/). Hari has previously worked as Associate Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London and has been a guest lecturer and reviewer in a variety of institutions, such as University of Essex, Drexel University, Pratt School, Theatre of Changes.
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