Georgia Kalogeropoulou

Georgia Kalogeropoulou is a core member of PartSuspended artist collective. She is an Athens based researcher in philosophy, musician, visual artist and performer. Her academic interests are centered around Psychoanalysis and the Philosophy of time. She is a multi- instrumentalist (playing piano, synthesizers, electric guitar, saxophone, trumpet and traditional Greek instruments), and she performs regularly with numerous bands and artists in London and in Greece. She also makes paintings and comic books and she loves to explore the expressive potential of colour and light. Her research in philosophy draws on her experience as an artist; she explores the notion of time in the crossroads between philosophy and psychoanalysis, and she aims to understand the aesthetic experience as an example of any individuating process. 

SPIRALS by PartSuspended: Artist Talk and Showings - Performance presentation
SPIRALS by PartSuspended (Part B): From one Poetic Form to the Other | Hearing Colours

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