Accreditation ESPA

Art Research Methods

Teachers: Zaretsky Adam, Rovithis Emmanouel
Course Code: VIVO
Course Category: General Background
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Postgraduate
Course Language: English
Delivery Method: Distance learning
Semester: 1st
Teaching Units: 3
E Class Webpage:
Short Description:
With a focus on art-based research, arts-based educational research and art-based autoethnography, this module addresses the similarities and differences between art-based research methods and scientific research. Aim of this module is to promote alternative forms of research methods that include pluralistic and transgressive modes of inquiry, expression, representation and discourse.
Objectives - Learning Results:

Upon the successful completion of the course the students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of diverse perspectives by actively engaging in commentary and discussions within the course context.

  • Express personal exploration and creativity through innovative bioresearch projects that showcase individual experiences and perspectives.

  • Creatively apply research in art and art in research practices
  • Develop detailed and creative research paths that infuse artistic and written projects with curiosity and exploration, ensuring a rich and innovative approach to project development.
  • Sharpen their perception of the acoustic environment and their awareness of acoustic notions, such as balance, variety, randomness
  • Develop and execute experimental food preparations, interspecies performances, or other unconventional projects as valid means of exploration and expression within the field.

  • Describe and analyse sound elements and structures.
  • Analyse and evaluate the intricate relationship between safety, aesthetics, and responsibility inherent in the field of study through hands-on experiences.

  • Collect and present weekly articles or images relevant to the subject matter for group discussion, sourcing information from diverse mediums including online sources, popular press, scientific journals, and trade magazines.

  • Explore the concept of living art as a medium and message, critically examining its complexities and nuances through multifaceted research and project work.

  • Utilise research time to challenge and decode personal cultural preconceptions, fostering a deeper understanding of how these perceptions influence creative processes within the field.

  1. Introduction to Art Research Methodologies
  2. Acoustic Ecology: Human Being vs Human Doing
  3. Audio Augmented Reality
  4. Towards a Holistic Acoustic Vocabulary
  5. Brainwave Synthesis
  6. Interaction Design through Visual Programming
  7. Bioart, EcoArt, and Vivoart Research
  8. Radical Food Science: Post-Gastronomic Arts
  9. Bioinformatics and Literary Studies
  10. Bioethics Grammatology
  11. Body, Animal, Non-Human Ethology: Art and Body in Performance
  12. Student Project Presentations I
  13. Student Project Presentations II
Recommended Bibliography:

Latour, B., & Woolgar, S. (1986). Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Rogers, H. S., Halpern, M. K., Hannah, D., & de Ridder-Vignone, K. (Eds.). (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Art, Science, and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Schafer, R. M. (1993). The soundscape: Our sonic environment and the tuning of the world. Simon and Schuster.

Scott, J. (Ed.). (2006). Artists-in-labs: Processes of Inquiry. Vienna: Springer-Verlag.

Scott, J. (Ed.). (2010). Artists-in-labs: Networking in the Margins. Vienna: Springer-Verlag.

Scott, J., & Hediger, I. (Eds.). (2016). Recomposing Art and Science: Artists-in-labs. Berlin, Germany & Boston, MA: Walter de Gruyter.

Wershler, Darren, et al. The Lab Book: Situated Practices in Media Studies. U of Minnesota Press, 2022. 

Teaching and Learning Methods:
  • Project-based learning
  • Hands-on learning
Use of Information and Communication Technologies:

Use of ICT, multimedia, in teaching, laboratory education, communication with students.

Grading and Evaluation Methods:
  • Assignments 40%
  • Final Project 50%
  • In-class participation and discussions: 10 %

Grades are from 0.0-10.0

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