Complaints and Objections

Article 1. Definitions and Purpose

  • A complaint or objection means the expression of dissatisfaction on the part of the students of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, which is mainly related to the denial of their expectations regarding the quality level of the provided educational and administrative services or student welfare services. For their rights and obligations, students must study the "Internal Internal" of the Ionian University (article 56).
  • The purpose of this regulation is to investigate and manage any complaints and objections from students and to ensure their immediate and effective processing.

Article 2. Scope

  • The process of handling complaints and objections concerns matters of academic operation of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University. The complaints management policy concerns all complaints that may be submitted or expressed.
  • Objections and complaints may concern either the educational process (e.g. course/laboratory teaching, exams, graduation, practice, communication with teachers, etc.), or administrative service issues (e.g. Department Secretariat, student care, electronic access etc.), or even issues of behavior, harassment, discrimination, ethics, etc.
  • In particular, the reasons that may occur and for which it is considered reasonable to submit an oral or written complaint by students must concern actions, decisions or omissions of members of the Department and the academic community such as violations of regulations that generally govern the operation of the Ionian University and concern matters of: a. academic functioning, such as attendance to teaching and administrative procedures, non-compliance with the program regulations, non-compliance of the ethics regulations and insufficient academic teaching and guidance, b. inappropriate work behavior, such as violations of intellectual property protection and intellectual rights, harassment and sexual harassment, inequality and various types of discrimination (gender, color, religious beliefs, etc.).

Article 3. Submission Process and Management Policy

  • In the first stage and depending on the type of complaint, the student reports his problem to a member of the teaching staff or of the administrative staff of the Department, during office hours, and seeks a solution to the issue,
  • If during the above stage the student continues to look for a more suitable solution to solve the problem then he/she can turn to the academic advisor for a hearing in a jointly scheduled meeting, after sending an e-mail and exposing the issue. The academic advisor may request the assistance of other members of the teaching community to solve the problem (article 58 par. 3 of the Internal Operating Regulations of the Ionian University)], or to the Head of the Secretariat of the Department, by sending an e-mail message and meeting during the designated reception time and location, seeking a resolution of the matter and administrative assistance.
  • If for any reason an adequate solution is not found during the above stages, then regardless of whether the problem is related to the teaching or administrative process, the complainant submits through "Electronic Complaint Submission Form" a description of the issue to be examined by the competent authority. The same procedure is followed in case the nature of the complaint cannot be handled through the above mentioned stages.
  • Any complaint should be submitted immediately (within 30 days) from the day of occurrence of the problem or malfunction to guarantee its prompt treatment.
  • The "Electronic Complaint Submission Form" ( can also be submitted anonymously through the completion of the consent field concerning the permission to use the data submitted to settle the matter described, in accordance with the limitations of the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Upon notification of the complaint, the person responsible for its management takes immediate action if it falls within his/her competence or forwards the complaint to the General Assembly of the Department, the Office of the Dean of the Faculty or the Senate of the Ionian University. The reply and reference is made as quickly as possible especially if the issue is urgent. Depending on the nature of the problem, the President of the Department has the right to invite the student concerned to present his/her views before taking further action. In the event that the President of the Department considers that the student needs protection then he/she must manage the situation accordingly. In complex matters, the Assembly of the Department may address or refer the case to a competent administrative or other body.
  • If the President of the Department has not requested the assistance of the General Assembly of the Department at the stage of the official examination, and the student personally considers that the situation has not changed because the solution given to the problema did not deliver the expected results, then the student may submit an objection, reporting in detail the procedure followed, addressed to the General Assembly of the Department. In the event that the complaint or objection is rejected then a new objection for the same issue will not be accepted. The decisions taken by the General Assembly of the Department are final and irrevocable.
  • The recording of complaints and objections, as well as the necessary actions to process them, are stored in a safe place at the Secretariat of the Department, in order to maintain confidentiality. In particular, all documents relating to complaints/objections are filed in a special folder marked "Student complaints/objections".

Article 4. Alternative Submission Methods and Procedures

  • Course evaluation questionnaires: Students, through the use of a questionnaire, have the possibility, in the course evaluation, to express any observations, remarks or complaints regarding the educational process and the teacher.
  • Student Ombudsman: This institution aims to mediate between students and the administrative or educational staff in order to deal with issues that prevent the proper functioning of the Department / University. The student can contact via e-mail at the address The student ombudsman is involved in issues related to mal administration, acts ex officio, conducts an autopsy and is not related to exam and grading issues.
  • Gender Equality Committee: When unfair or inappropriate behavior is perceived based on gender, then the student can contact via e-mail at the address This Committee aims to promote and ensure equality and combat disruptive behavior.
  • Ethics and Research Deontology Committee: When there are ethical and deontological issues related to the preparation of research (in the context of course work, degree theses, doctoral theses or even participation in research projects), the student can contact this Committee by e-mail at
Updated: 30-04-2024
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