The conference language is English. Proposals are submitted for consideration to the members of the scientific & artistic committee. Each proposal must include: abstract (which should be no more than 500 words), presentation title, author(s)/artist(s) name(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), up to 5 keywords, short CV / resumé (approximately 150 words), type of presentation: paper, poster, or artist talk. Proposals must be submitted in PDF, Word or Open Office document format.
Proposals for artist talks should also include link(s) to documentation material (photos, video, audio, etc.); especially proposals for poster presentations, should be presented as a draft poster, exclusively in pdf format A3 size (29,7 × 42 cm) maximum 5 Mb / 200 dpi in CMYK colour mode. Links like Dropbox or Google Drive can be used, but links with an expiration date (e.g. WeTransfer) are not acceptable. In addition, if the link has a password, it should be included too.
Proposals must be sent electronically through the EasyChair submissions system for the TTT2020 conference (opening October 1st, 2019 and deadline until May 31st, 2020).
TTT2020 Vienna/Online will take place mainly as a live streaming event of pre-recorded videos in thematic sessions, enriched by real-time streaming video-meetings and round-table discussions, including live chat and comments.
The recording is the core of each participation at the conference: 10 min max video to communicate hints of what is going to be developed in the proceedings of the conference.
The live online events with Questions and Answers happening on November 26-28th are a reduced number of curated panels on topics that embrace the thematics proposed by all participants on TTT2020.
All TTT2020 Vienna/Online streams following each participant's consent will also be available on demand until December 31st 2020 solely for viewing purposes, only to the registered users who attended TTT2020.
Detailed information about submission of the final paper can be found in the Proceedings page.