Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

26-28 November 2020, University of Applied Arts Vienna/Online

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en  pdf.png  TTT2020 Program - NY Toronto time (v2)
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en  pdf.png  TTT2020 Program - LA Vancouver time
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en  pdf.png  TTT2020 Program - Beijing-Perth time (v2)
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en  pdf.png  TTT2020 Program - Vienna time
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en  pdf.png  TTT2020 Program - London-Lisbon time
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en  pdf.png  TTT2020 Program -Mexico City time
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Day I / Nov 26th
Starts CET Event
08:30 Welcome to TTT2020
Dalila Honorato, María Antonia González Valerio, Ingeborg Reichle and Zahra Mirza
09:00 Session "NSP13 / Moist"
How to shake hands after a pandemic?, Francois-Joseph Lapointe
Name: Nathalie, Species: BacterHomo insipiens, Nathalie Dubois Calero
Semiotic Sympoiesis for the Posthuman Commons, Klaus Spiess and Lucie Strecker
The political and aesthetic potential of body scents, Lauryn Mannigel
GLEI Inc.: The Plasticization of Privilege, Lauren Ruiz
Ah, Squoosh it: Decolonizing the Colon, Felipe Shibuya and John Santomieri
10:00 Session "NSP2 / Brute"
Spli/ilt, Danielle Damico
untitled (untitled)
Agnus Dei A/V Project beyond the faith, Valeria Di Sabato
Junk art – the art which needs to be understood, Karolina Zyniewicz
Hiding Art, Hiding Codes and the Comic Strategies of Total Disappearing, Ioannis Melanitis
The Dividual – The Soviet contribution to an emerging subjectivity, Joshua Simon
11:00 Session "ORF8 / Sideways"
Self - Illuminated, Andrew Carnie
Augmentations of Perception++, Stavros Didakis
Building a post-human: Analysis of the bio-artwork May the horse live in me, Natacha Lamounier
Tolerating Uncertainty – we began as part of the body, Beverley Hood
Touching the Posthuman, Zsofia Jakab
Rendering Life: Transgressive Affinities Between Bio Art and Generative Art, Dejan Grba and Vladimir Todorovic
12:00 Session "NSP14 / Automaton"
Mindless Futurism, Adnan Hadzi
Concepts of liminality in (post-)human nature, Ursula Ströbele
Taxonomy of Posthuman Anthropomorphism in Science and Art: From Animal to Machine, Nobuhiro Masuda
Dark Design, Matej Vakula
The Data Corpus: the Body as a Physical Informational Nexus, Joe Cantrell
Cyborg – author, Andrea Gogova
13:10 Session "NSP10 / Phrenic"
Sacred circles: Mandalas and their many dimensions in art, education and therapy, Maria Athanasekou, Roxani Giannou and Evmorphia Leventi
Psychedelic technologies and reconfigured subjectivities: Transgressing the taboo of self-transcendence, Claudia Schwarz-Plaschg
The City Island, Elizabeth Littlejohn
Therapy | Reprogram: Psychotherapy & Mind-Hacking, Laura Stoll
Transcending the Human: Mnemo-Media, Creativity and Impairment from Human to Hyper-Human, Maria Manuela Lopes


Roundtable S "Body Shopping – challenging convention in the donation and use of bodily materials through art practice"
Presenters: Tarsh Bates, Isabel Burr-Raty, WhiteFeather Hunter, Charlotte Jarvis, Hege Tapio, Adam Zaretsky and Miriam Simun
Moderators: Louise Mackenzie and Ilke Turkmendag
15:30 ArtBox: The project Lygophilia | Mud Workshop
The project Lygophilia, presented by: Robertina Sebjanic, Annick Bureaud, María Antonia González Valerio and Polona Tratnik
Mud Workshop, presented by: Nicole Clouston, Amy Youngs, Jenifer Wightman and Jennifer Zackin
16:00 Session "NSP12 / Epic"
Ancient Myth and Bio Art - Artistic and Genetic Transformations, Evaguelia Diamantopoulou
Minotaurs of the Mind - Ontological Thresholds, Iluá Hauck da Silva
MPASTURAVACCHE. The taboo of meeting the chimera of oneself, Jatun Risba
Myth/Network (1990-2017) - The epistemology of myth, Mariana Ziku and Polyxene Kasda
Macha, the Shapeshifting Goddess, Anna Walker
Glow Me Glow Me Not, Boryana Rossa


Roundtable E "In a locked and scrambled form: Art-Science scenes, objects and figures in corporeal transgression"
Presenters: Michael Sappol, Kimberly Johnson, Silvia Casini, Dolores Steinman and Günther Seyfried
Moderator: Dolores Steinman
18:30 Session "NSP16 / Allure"
The E-ME 2.0 introduces A Sexual Series, Emie // Eva-Marie Elg
Kitkelaid - About a Non-Place, Daniela Koch
Tranxxeno Entanglements: On the Audacity of Imagining Transgender People in Space, Adriana Knouf
From Ophelia to Harmony: fetishizing the female stillness/stiffness, Jasna Jernejsek
PLAY ME: sonification of sexual arousal for live performances, Rudolf Arnold
Interpersonal Protective Equipment: The Libidinal Economy of Aseptic Containment, Adam Zaretsky
19:35 Session "NSP15 / F-word"
KORE, revisited, Irini Athanassakis
Tabooing Womanhood? Performative Strategies of Subversion, Julia Sprenger
LET'S GET YOU PREGNANT!: a critical examination of the failure of in vitro fertilization through a practice of installation, Heidi Barkun
Mutations in Feminist Aesthetic Practices. Three case studies form the Centre of New Media and Public Feminist Practices, Elpida Karaba
Lighting the reading, Belen Cerezo
Demain il faut que tu t'en aille, Talia de Vries

Open Mic Q&A
Moderator: María Antonia González Valerio
21:00 Repeat Program Day 1
Day II / Nov 27th
Starts CET Event
09:00 Session "NSP3 / Mold"
Volumetric Black, Triton Mobley
The Gendered Machine in Science Fiction Film: Transgressing the Boundaries, Aikaterini Papakyriakopoulou
Somatic Poetics, Clea T. Waite
Censored bodies and bodily functions in Dimitris Kollatos’s early films, Maria Chalkou
Good and Evil Beauties: An Essay on the Relationship Between Moral and Aesthetic value, Aleksandar Jevremovic
10:00 Session "NSP9 / Channel"
The Simulated Real: Aesthetics and the Semblance of the Real in Terroristic Gameplay, Salvador Miranda
Entertaining Death: Hologram and the looming loss of culture, Aleksandar Vejnovic
Breaking the Silence: Machine Learning Identified Taboos, Amalia Foka
This is not Iraq: A Kurdish Tale, Miguel Oliveros Mediavilla
iJackers Guide to Virtual Protest, Arthur Clay
Taboo and capitalism. About incest, Youtube and profanation in contemporary capitalism, Adria Guardiola Rius
11:00 Session "NSP5 / (W)Hole"
Plato and Hyperspaces: Investigating the Connection Between Plato’s Theory of Ideas and Higher Spatial Dimensions, Dimitrios Traperas, Charilaos Gounaropoulos and Nikolaos Kanellopoulos
Process and Ontogenesis: Entropy and self-organisation in embryonic development of organically and inorganically organised structures, Arantzazu Saratxaga
Deconstructing the isolated artist-astronaut paradigm, Ioannis Bardakos, Eirini Sourgiadaki and Alain Lioret
Of Atoms and Reincarnation - About the Creation of knowledge, Daniela Brill
Void not equals to Null, Rubén Vega Balbás
Is There Art on Mars?: Planetary Analog Missions as Artistic Research Laboratories, Istem Özen
Playing With the Curious Cat, David Kovarik and Carina Zabini
12:00 Session "NSP1 / Creature"
Singular Creatures/Monsters, Mayra Rojo
Worm Pornography, Ian Haig
Mooncalf Menstrual Meat (MMM), WhiteFeather Hunter
Wolf, Pig, Meerkat, and Human Being: Are They Really Separate Species? Hybrids in the Posthumanist Work of Olga Tokarczuk and Patricia Piccinini, Natalia Anna Michna
Renegade Monkies, Yanai Toister
Ever it takes; interspecies embryonic care through semi-permeability, Jacco Borggreve
13:00 Session "NSP7 / Demise"
Erotic Subtraction and Death, David Roden
The possibilities of Post-Human Necro-politics: It is 2020 and I am breathing dead bodies, Jose Hopkins
Forensic love and Visceral Data: Bio-antidote for romantic love, Cecilia Vilca and Lorena Peña
Death and Virtuality, Kim Doan Quoc
Affective Mapping of David Wojnarowicz's Work, Krystian Gradz
Science at the Club, Angel Lartigue

Roundtable M "Fermenting Futures"
Presenters: Diethard Mattanovich, Anna Dumitriu, Alex May and Özge Ata
Moderator: Sonja Schachinger
15:30 ArtBox: The Camille Diaries | Golem | Mud Workshop
The Camille Diaries, presented by: Regine Rapp and Christian de Lutz
Golem, presented by: Francesco Kiais
Mud Workshop, presented by: Nicole Clouston, Amy Youngs, Jenifer Wightman and Jennifer Zackin

Roundtable N "Radical Vulnerabilities"
Presenters: Margherita Pevere, Theresa Schubert, Marco Donnarumma, Patricia MacCormack and Jurij Krpan
Moderator: Jaden J. A. Hastings
17:30 Session "ORF1ab / Tonic"
The transgression of boundaries through transdisciplinary research relevant to the climate crisis, Kat Austen
Aesthetic Techniques Without Technology: Soichiro Mihara’s “[blanc] project”, Yosaku Matsutani
The Promise of Water: Choreographies of Time and Identity, Charli Brissey
On the way to abject oriented entanglements: post-natural monsters in contemporary art, Kerstin Borchhardt
Aphrodisiac in the Machine, Stephanie Rothenberg
Hætta - on the edge of a disaster, Anna Kedziora
18:35 Session "NSP4 / Stray"
Encountering the Non-Human: A Metaphysical Naturalism, Dann Disciglio
Algae Mask, Michelle Lai, Kwan Q Li
Forest Art: The artist is indigenous from the forest. Introduction to Law Art and Shamanic Art, Alan Tod
Speculating transfeminist ecosystems: Quimera Rosa’s Trans*Plant, Giulia Casalini
Genetic chimera/ Ghost in a cortex, Laura Irmer and Demian Thirst
Quelites, Paula Flores
19:35 Session "ORF6 / Tutelage"
The Future of Cyberpunk, Verónica Mota Galindo
A Liminal Body of Performative Becoming, Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen
Incomputable Feelings: Moving in the Esoteric Languages of Xul Solar and Befunge, Renee Carmichael
SIBYL, Robert Lisek
Like Real Friends Do: Communicating in Social Media with Sophia the Robot, Laida Limniati, Dalila Honorato and Andreas Giannakoulopoulos

Open Mic Q&A
Moderator: Zahra Mirza
21:00 Repeat Program Day 2
Day III / Nov 28th
Starts CET Event
09:00 Session "ORF7b / Index"
Biotechnology under the Psychoanalytic Microscope: the Border of Pleasure and Pain, Ziwei Yan
Offering the Body, Louise Mackenzie
Volatile Effluvia: ‘Bad’ Smells as Resistance, Alanna Lynch
Skin Bible: The Word Made Flesh, Michael Dudeck and Niki Sperou
Healing Session, Hege Tapio
Becoming Less and Less with No Relief, Remina Greenfield and Shuyi Cao
10:05 Session "ORF3a / Medulla"
Game of Swarms, Paula Kaori Nishijima
Hosting Transcendence - On the eco-ethical “spacing” of the immersive arts, Kt Zakravsky
TeleAgriCulture: Augmenting Ecological Aesthetics, Julian Stadon
Ruderal Futures, Alex Young
One must have a bone, not be afraid to show the bone, and to lose the meat in the process, Alejandro Chellet
11:10 Session "ORF7a / Equipoise"
Rites of Passage: Transgressions and the Search for New Meaning in [West] Ukrainian art: late 1980s – early 1990s, Bohdan Shumylovych
How to Isolate and Amplify Clostridium Botulinum, Claus Schöning Lam Yong
The Suffering of the New Idiots, Michael Manfé
Snowflakes. The individuation of melting memories, Mihai Băcăran
The Ethics of Epistemological Materialism, Erik Zepka
Crossing boundaries, cutting borders. Looking for new narratives to make sense of this crazy, crazy world, Roberta Buiani
12:20 Session "ORF9b / Auspice"
Toward a Critique of Psychotic Realism in Art, Erik Vogt
Isolated attractors, Sergio Patricio Valenzuela Valdés
An anechoic chamber as a point of contact between the two cultures, Kazuhiro Jo, Roy Tamaki, Takuya Ishikawa and Tomoya Matsuura
Deep See: Thermography as an Art Form, Marne Lucas and Cuntemporary Artists Presents
BK an Eco Erogenous Art Project - the experimental catalogue, Isabel Burr Raty
13:00 Session "NSP6 / Growl"
Tracing Silence; Ecocide and Omnicide, Nigel Helyer
Co-composition and De-composition, Nigel Helyer
Orders of the Heard. The Order of Sorcery, Luc Messinezis and Apostolos Loufopoulos
Living Image: squid chromatophore as an alternative pixel, Juppo Yokokawa, Nobuhiro Masuda and Kazuhiro Jo
Patterns of Existence, from cosmic to cellular and neural to musical, Terry Trickett
'Passeggiata': a paradigm for the times in which we now live, Terry Trickett

Roundtable ACE2 "All You Have to Lose is Ecstasy: The Intuitive, Occult and Somatic as Methods of Inquiry"
Presenters: Monica C. Locascio, Pêdra Costa, Zosia Hołubowska, Florentina Holzinger, Daniela Brill Estrada and Elisabeth von Samsonow
Moderator: John Bardakos
15:30 ArtBox: Bioscientific Imaginaries | Golem
Bioscientific Imaginaries, presented by: Kathy High, Marta de Menezes, Jennifer Willet, Paula Burleigh and Byron Rich
Golem, presented by: Francesco Kiais

Roundtable ORF9c "Staying in touch: sci-fi experiments for post-coronavirus art curating"
Presenters: Marta de Menezes, Annick Bureaud, Regine Rapp, Christian de Lutz, Byron Rich, Paula Burleigh, Francesco Kiais, Jill McDermid-Hokanson and Christl Baur
Moderator: Karolina Zyniewicz
17:30 Session "ORF10 / Crack"
Biodemonological re-enchantments – or how to contaminate through intimate stories of commons without consensus, Agnieszka Wolodzko
The evolution of Olympia as the example of transfiguration from human to post-human. Philosophical analysis of selected artistic representations of Olympia, Dominika Czakon
Death as Absolute Transgression in the Philosophies of Michel Foucault and Claire Colebrook, Adam Lovasz and Mark Horvath
Hip Hip Hybridity and Leaking Arts, Marius Armonas
Contemporary digital activism and its artistic perspectives, Vasileios Bouzas
18:35 Session "NSP8 / Sustenance"
Liminalities of incorporation, Ksenia Yurkova
Adapt Evolve Become, Michele Daneluzzo
De-Mystifying GMOs, Sophie Publig and Julia Jarrett
Nanook, Maayan Strauss

Mud Workshop
live performance by: Nicole Clouston, Amy Youngs, Jenifer Wightman and Jennifer Zackin

Open Mic Q&A
Moderator: Ingeborg Reichle

Closure session TTT2020
Dalila Honorato, Ingeborg Reichle, Zahra Mirza and Andreas Giannakoulopoulos
21:00 Repeat Program Day 3
Updated: 25-08-2023

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