Interdisciplinary Conference


in Art & Science

26-28 November 2020, University of Applied Arts Vienna/Online

Interview with TTT founder Dalila Honorato to Makery

Posted: 20-09-2023 09:18 | Views: 2572

The article "Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence (TTT): “Rethinking the Wolf” in Malta" with an interview with TTT founder Dalila Honorato by Cherise Fong was just published by Makery.

In the interview she states:
"My feeling when the conference happens is that somehow there’s a difference in the gravitation of the Earth, like constellations of stars that join together. It’s a beautiful group of weird people – very proud, very sensitive, very strong people – with an enormous ability to also open up and reveal all these things. So we try not to have video cameras, we try to give privacy during the [performance] talks, so that people can do what they want to do." 


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