Proof of Concept

Inspired by the conference series Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science TTTlabs BioFeral.BeachCamps (BFBC) are highly speculative hybrid events of intense co-creation, co-education and co-development. TTTlabs BFBC are multi-person field work experiences that allow time and focus for in-depth play with concepts and practices of: developmental biology & deprogramming, new reproductive technology & rewilding, animal studies, human germline genetic editing, zoe.ferality, performance art & nonhuman enrichment. TTTlabs BFBC allow space for creative labs, workshops and living artworks in the field of biomedia and creative performance utilizing: open source technologies; DIY (do-it-yourself), DIWO (do-it-with-others) and DITO (do-it-together) cultures; STEAM concepts, interdisciplinary and non-formal education; and hybrid activities, developed in a rural and rustic think-tank setting. Novel experimental perspectives in new reproductive technology, bioart, citizen science, environmental studies, apparatus electronics and body performances are expected to result from collaborating together in a creative working environment of temporary social and communal experimentation. Skillshare sessions, workshops and DIWO collaborations are expected to be self organizing. 

The three parts TTTlabs BFBC workshopology series is “here for all your bioart meets body art needs”, dedicated to Psychic Fertility Performance Training (PFPT) and focusing on concepts of new reproductive technology as a rhizomatic, DIWO assemblage of skill-share workshops in rural retreat:

I. New Repro-Rebirthing Retreat (NR-RR) - Gestalt Bioart/Bodyart on the Beach:

  1. taking place in Corfu Greece Spring 2023,
  2. emphasizes understanding Human Oocyte and Collection/Cryopreservation
  3. includes Group Beach Rebirthing Ritual Process Performance.

II. New Repro-Zombie Studies (NR-ZS) - Undead Bioart/Bodyart on the Beach:

  1. taking place in Crete, Greece Spring 2024,
  2. emphasizes understanding Artificial Insemination Embryonic Development, Grading, Implantation, 
  3. includes Group Zombie Slow Shamble Race Performance.

III. NewRepro-FlaOctomingopus (NR-FO) - Non-Human Bioart/Bodyart on the Beach (NH-BB):

  1. taking place in Crete Greece Fall 2024,
  2. emphasizes understanding Animal Behavior, IVF Embryo ImplantationFamily Planning and Birth Control,
  3. includes Group Becoming Flamingo, Becoming Bird-Observation-Blind, GMO Baby Performance.

TTTlabs BFBC are organized as part of the Feral Labs Network activities, co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union, supported by the team of the Interactive Arts Lab of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University. 

For more information about the previous TTTlabs BFBC, please check our website TTTlabs BFBC NR-RR GB/BB | Spring 2023 New Repro-Rebirthing Retreat - Gestalt Bioart / Bodyart on the Beach or an extended article published on "Exploring science and intimacy through artificial reproduction in Greece"

Updated: 28-05-2024

Funded by

Rewilding Cultures
Ionian University


Projekt Atol Institute
Cultivamos Cultura
Catch / Helsingør Kommune
Udruga Radiona
Bioart Society
AVarts Dept
InArts Lab
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